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Non-Soil Biochar Applications - New text available

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Norman Baker

May 23, 2018, 3:10:24 PM5/23/18
to PNW Biochar
Non-Soil Biochar Applications
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Editors: Dimitrios Kalderis (Technological and Educational Institute of Crete, Greece), Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis (Rutgers University, US) and Pantelis Soupios (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia)
Book Description: 
Biochar is a carbon rich solid material resulting from the pyrolysis of biomass under oxygen-free and low temperature conditions. Although most research is directed towards the application of biochar to soils, there are several other biochar properties that render it a suitable candidate for non-soil applications. A growing number of studies have tested biochar as a composite in building materials, as a hazardous substance adsorbent in drinking water and wastewater, and as a component in filters for indoor air quality and storm water management. The potential to utilize biochar for various applications depends on its properties. For example, biochar with high electrical conductivity, porosity and stability at lower temperatures is preferred as electrodes material in microbial fuel cells. Biochar containing relatively high structural bound oxygen groups is preferred in direct carbon fuel cells. On the other hand, biochars with increased particle strength, hydrophobicity and high surface area are suitable candidates for the development of reusable catalysts for chemical reactions. These new high-value applications are still in their infancy, and further research and development is needed to reach commercialization. Optimum reaction conditions for producing biochar are not always the same and reproducibility is often not satisfactory, even when the same biomass is used and the same production conditions are present. This book on non-soil biochar applications aims to highlight the diversity of biochar as a multi-functional material and introduce some new and emerging applications to the wider scientific community. It will act as a reference document to all groups and individuals working or interested in biochar research and will be a valuable contribution to existing published literature. (Nova)

Table of Contents: 



Chapter 1. Challenges and Opportunities in the Field of Energy Storage: Supercapacitors and Activated Biochar 
(M. Bartolia, L. Rosib, M. Fredianib and P. Fredianib, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CA, US, and others) 

Chapter 2. Biochar Cookstoves as a Potential Clean Energy Source for Household Heating and Cooking in Developing Countries 
(W. Gwenzi, Biosystems and Environmental Engineering Research Group, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zimbabwe, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe) 

Chapter 3. Biochars as Potential Adsorbents in Household Water Filters for Clean Drinking Water Provisions in Developing Countries 
(W. Gwenzi, Biosystems and Environmental Engineering Research Group, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zimbabwe) 

Chapter 4. Application of Biochar in Advanced Oxidation Processes 
(A. Hassani, A. Khataee, Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus, Turkey, and others)

Chapter 5. Re-Examining the Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Effect: Using Water Hyacinth Biochar for Controlling Indoor Carbon Dioxide Levels 
(Gouyue Phua and Harn Wei Kua, Department of Building, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore) 

Chapter 6. Wastewater Treatment Using Paper Mill Waste Biochar as a Bio-Adsorbent: A Techno-Economic Assessment 
(M. M. Manyuchi C. Kudiwahove, C. Mbohwa and E. Muzenda, BioEnergy and Environmental Technology Centre, Department of Operations and Quality Management, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, and others) 

Chapter 7. Biodiesel Production Using Biochar as a Heterogeneous Catalyst 
(M. Balajii and S.Niju, Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India) 

Chapter 8. Biochar as Sorbent for the Treatment of Inorganic Pollutants in Water and Wastewater 
(A. A. Rouff, O. Goswami, A. Rabinovich and M. V. Ramlogan, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, US) 


      Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology
   Binding: Hardcover
   Pub. Date: 2018 - September
   ISBN: 978-1-53613-937-2
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