Pneuma Informer September 2008

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Pneuma Foundation

Sep 30, 2008, 3:42:07 PM9/30/08

The September 2008 PNEUMA INFORMER


In this issue

What's New at

     Unreached People Portal

     Visitors Think We're

     New Links and Content Worth Noticing

Reports from Around the World

     India: Seminar bears fruit in unreached people group

     Saudi Arabia: Shaken by "Apostasy"

     President Bush pushes religious freedom in China

     Rwanda: Nearly 1000 saved through cassettes

     Christians not a threat to Myanmar government

     JESUS Film ministry continues to grow

     News and Headlines

     Report the News

Outreach Opportunity

Upcoming Conferences: "The Many Faces of Pentecostalism"

Resources You Can Use

     Unreached Peoples Information

     Ministry Pool

     On-Line Library Resources Available

     Find the Training You Need

Excerpts from the PNEUMA REVIEW

Conversations with Readers

Prayer Requests

Supporting the Ministry

What's New at

Unreached People Portal
A new unreached people portal has been added to our News and Links page found at
Tell us what you think. Do you like this new feature? How often do you visit our News and Links page? Will you do so more often now?
Send us your comments: PNEUMA INFORMER.

Visitors Think We're
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New Links and Content Worth Noticing

Reports from Around the World

India: Seminar bears fruit in unreached people group
When Mutha heard knocks on her door around midnight, she feared it might be Orissa state's Naxalite rebel group. But she opened her door anyway. It was a neighbor needing prayer, and Mutha was able to employ what she learned at a Partners International "Scriptures in Use" seminar. As a result of what happened that night with her neighbor, people in the village go to Mutha for prayers of healing. She and her husband have put into practice what they learned at the seminar and have seen many people led to Christ. Pray that many lives would be transformed as people turn to the Scriptures.
Source: Mission Network News 15 August, 2008. Full story:

Saudi Arabia: Shaken by "Apostasy"
Saudi Arabia is modern Islam's beating heart. A 1744 pact between the Islamic reformer Wahhab and ibn Saud resulted in a state where Wahhabi clerics would legitimise Saudi rule in exchange for Saudi protection as they advanced Wahhabi Islam. Since the 1970s, billions of Saudi petrodollars have funded the global growth of intolerant, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, pro-Sharia, pro-jihad Wahhabi Islam. But things are changing deep inside Saudi Arabia, in the hearts and minds of young and educated Saudis accessing satellite TV and the Internet. Not only are some Saudis reportedly questioning the intolerance of Islam, some are even converting to Christianity. A young Saudi girl was recently brutally executed by her father for apostasy in converting to Christianity, but because of the Internet her murder has been exposed and her martyrdom widely mourned. Please pray for Saudi Arabia.
Source: World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin - RLP 492 | Saudi Arabia: Shaken by Apostasy and Dissidence

President Bush pushes religious freedom in China
Human and religious rights organizations urged President Bush to raise the issue of religious freedom and be an advocate for persecuted Christians. And they got their wish. In an interview with NBC Sports, President Bush announced he attended church and also had frank talks with President Hu Jintao. Carl Moeller with Open Doors USA reports: "I think it's remarkable that on the occasion of the Olympics, that the President of the United States no less than three times in an independent secular interview brought up the issue of religious liberty and brought it up particularly with the President of China." Despite the positives, Moeller says, "Believers in China--especially unregistered believers--are still regularly harassed and persecuted by the authorities in a lot of locations around China. Our estimates are over 700 protestant pastors last year were arrested for some period of time simply for normal church activity."
Source: Adapted from Mission Network News 12 August, 2008. Full story:

Rwanda: Nearly 1000 saved through cassettes
"961 people during the first half of 2008 have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus as their Saviour" reports Paul-Marcel Hakizimana, who is responsible for the IBRA (International Broadcasting Association) work in Rwanda.
The teaching from cassettes has had a great impact on Rwanda and is used in many areas including in prisons. A cassette ministry also began in April with the refugees from Rwanda in Zambia. A pastor from Kigali who lives in Zambia has been the initiator. He tells already of 30 people who have been saved and half of them have been baptized.
"We have also sent cassettes to a contact in Malawi", says Paul-Marcel, who is now waiting on joyful reports.
IBRA was founded by Swedish Pentecostal Pastor Lewi Pethrus, and now reaches over 100 countries in 85 languages.
Source: Signalen (English) IBRA News, September 2008

Christians not a threat to Myanmar government
Moses, whose name has been changed, is a native missionary with World Hope International in Myanmar. By distributing aid and doing evangelism every day, he's experienced a Myanmar government that is more open to Christianity than the world thinks. "They know Christians are not a threat. We are not a danger for them. We pray for them, and we want to walk with them. So the doors are open for Christians." Moses wants to jump into that great opening while it is there, helping thousands to know Christ. One way that's being accomplished is in a ministry to Buddhist children, which has more than 100 kids in attendance. When the children refuse to worship Buddha at home, Moses says parents come asking, "'What did you do to our kids? They never want to bow down before Buddha.' We mix a cup of coffee, and we say, "Please sit down. Let me tell you what we told your kids.' And we tell them everything we taught their kids. That means we preach to them directly. Later, those people became Christians." Go online to learn more.
Source: Mission Network News 2 September, 2008 Full story:

JESUS Film ministry continues to grow
It is amazing what God can do through a simple film. But when you consider the film is the story of Jesus, you can understand how it's become the most-watched film in the world. According to JESUS Film statistics, collectively it's been translated into 1059 languages. What's even more shocking is that the film has been seen six-billion, 50-million times. And, nearly 226-million viewers have indicated some kind of decision for Christ.
Source: Mission Network News 3 September, 2008. Full story:

News and Headlines
Visit for Current News and Links

See other news to pray and praise God about in the Prayer Requests department below.

Report the News
We are looking for stories about what God is doing in the world, reports about the persecution of Christians, and information about significant trends and ministry opportunities. If you have a news item to report, please send an email to the PNEUMA INFORMER.




Outreach Opportunity

Let God's People Use Your Old Equipment: Cassette Duplicators Needed

Are there any cassette duplicators out there?

A request was made in the June edition of IBRA's news magazine Signalen regarding extra or spare cassette duplicators. They are still in need of them in different parts of the world. Jan-Erik Nyman, IBRA's regional leader over East and Central Africa informs us that he has received five from Norway.

Please see the report in the September 2008 issue of the PNEUMA INFORMER about how God has used a cassette distribution ministry in Rwanda.

Maria Levander, IBRA Information Officer, writes: "In several countries in Africa (DR Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan, and Ethiopia) IBRA has a great need of those duplicators. In those countries still cassettes are a very important way of transferring audio messages (after the radio)"

Contact Pneuma Foundation Member Services about how your church could become involved.




Upcoming Conferences

"The Many Faces of Pentecostalism"
Implications of Globalization for North American Pentecostalism
MacDiv Pentecostal Forum 2008
Where: McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
When: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 8:30am â€" 5:30pm

From the conference brochure: "The Pentecostal Forum at McMaster Divinity College provides an opportunity for scholars to present important perspectives on various Pentecostal themes. The topic this year is The Many Faces of Pentecostalism: Implications of Globalization for North American Pentecostalism.
"The format of the Forum will include interactive presentations and question-and-answer sessions. Each presentation will be 30 minutes in length, followed by an additional 15 minutes for Q&A, and 45 minutes at the conclusion. Participation by those who attend is invited, and will be solicited throughout the day. The exact times and those participating are subject to change. It is anticipated that the presentations will be edited for publication by Dr. Steven M. Studebaker following the conference."
Presentations include:
Allan Anderson, University of Birmingham "Pentecostalism and Globalization"
Michael Wilkinson, Trinity Western University "The Impact of Globalization on Pentecostals in Canada"
Steven Studebaker, McMaster Divinity College "Spirit Baptism and Global Pentecostalism"
Randall Holm, Providence College "Tongues and a Postmodern Generation of Pentecostals"
Byron Klaus, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary "Implications of Globalization on Pentecostal Leadership and Mission"
Joanne Pepper, Trinity Western University "What in the World is God Doing? Pentecostalism and the Global Missionary Movement"
For more information, visit:




Resources You Can Use

Unreached Peoples Information
A free resource for church leaders with information about how to pray for people groups unengaged by the story of Jesus.
The CEO of a small mission organization is emailing weekly bullet points about unreached peoples so pastors can lead their congregation in brief prayer for the salvation of the unreached people on the next Sunday.
Source: Brigada Today 2008/06/15

Ministry Pool
The Ministry Pool site has now relaunched as a valuable resource site for churches:
Source: Web Evangelism Newsletter Aug 08

On-Line Library Resources Available
Latourette Library of William Carey International University offers resources for people around the world in Bible, theology, missions, international development, and practical tools, according to an announcement by the Director of Library Services, Laura Raab. She explains, "The home page ( links to non-password protected resources such as the Theological Journals Search of open-access journals and to our catalog. To find academic-level e-books that are open to anyone, scroll down our home page to Find Books. Click on our catalog link, then in the Location box type the word "open" and add any other search terms in the appropriate fields. Currently the catalog lists 1447 open-access books, but more are frequently added.
The reference page ( provides links in many different categories and the web links database ( has over 8500 links covering number of subjects.
The William Carey International University (associated with the U.S. Center for World Mission) is a small private university focusing on international development and offering MA and PhD degrees. These programs are field-based and may be taken in most regions of the world. Applicants must be affiliated with or aiming toward work with specific voluntary agencies (NGOs, non governmental organizations) involved in cross-cultural development, many of which are faith-based. Most WCIU students study in the location where they currently live and work.
Source: Theological News On-Line No 61 Sept 2008 from the WEA Theological Commission

Find the Training You Need
Highly recommended for our international readers.
The Evangelical Training Database is a searchable online database at
The project seeks to give information on all evangelical pastoral, theological and missionary training courses world-wide, so that people everywhere can more easily find the training they need to serve the Lord. Information about the availability of scholarships is included for every course along with how to contact the institution to apply or to receive more information.
As well as English, the database has interfaces in Afrikaans, French, German, Portuguese, Serbian and Spanish, and translations are underway into other languages so that the database is truly international. The project is run by the Missionary Training Service, a member of the UK Evangelical Alliance and Global Connections (formerly known as the Evangelical Missionary Alliance).
Source: Brigada Today 2008/08/10




Excerpts from the PNEUMA REVIEW

THE PNEUMA REVIEW is a quarterly printed journal of ministry resources and theology for Pentecostal and charismatic ministries and leaders. For more information about the PNEUMA REVIEW, and to learn how to subscribe, please visit: Introducing THE PNEUMA REVIEW.

Write a review online for the PNEUMA REVIEW!

For a full index of the contents of all Pneuma Review issues, visit:

In order to complete this issue of the INFORMER while it is still September, no excerpts from the journal will be included.




Conversations with Readers

Raul Mock, Executive Editor of THE PNEUMA REVIEW, was speaking with Dr. Paul King, minister of the Christian and Missionary Alliance and professor at Oral Roberts University, about his recovery from cancer and what God is calling him to in this new season of life.

Hi Raul,

Good to hear from you too, and glad for the work you do with The Pneuma Review.

Yes, I faced a battle with rectal cancer last year [2007] and was unable to attend SPS. But by God's grace, I overcame and was healed. I went through chemo and radiation, which reduced the tumor, then had surgery in June last year to remove a foot of my colorectal tract and the lymph nodes surrounding it, and had a temporary ileostomy to let it heal. When they took the section to pathology and looked at it under a microscope, they were astounded that they could find no cancer. I was healed! But I still had to recover from the effects of major surgery and had to have another surgery in August to reconnect my intestines and reverse the ileostomy. So it took several months for my GI tract to learn how to function properly again. But I am doing well, busy traveling once again, and made a trip to the Fiji Islands in April. Since I teach Divine Healing in the Doctoral program at ORU, I am writing a book called God's Healing Arsenal: A Divine Battle Plan for Overcoming Distress and Disease, out of my experiences and teachings.

One of the priorities God has given me with this new lease on life is to leave a legacy of writing. I am also working on a book Anointed Women: The Rich Heritage of Women in Ministry in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, hopefully to be published next year. And I am making some revisions to my dissertation for the Doctor of Theology from University of South Africa, and hope to have it published by the end of the year.

Thank you for the upcoming review of Moving Mountains in The Pneuma Review. I have subscribed, but I am not sure I am on the current subscription list. When I didn't know if I was going to live or die, I let a lot of things lapse. So, yes, please send me a copy of the fall issue.

May the Lord continue to bless your endeavors.

Paul L. King, D.Min., Th.D.
Faculty Coordinator, Diploma of Theological Studies
Assistant Professor of Theology, School of LifeLong Education
Oral Roberts University
For more about Dr. King's ministry, visit:
There you can learn about his recent books: Genuine Gold: The Cautiously Charismatic Story of the Early Christian and Missionary Alliance, and just newly published in June: Finding Your Niche: 12 Keys to Opening God's Doors for Your Life

Have a comment for us? Contact Us




Prayer Requests

  • India: Hindu Anti-Christian Pogrom Spreads. The violent Hindu anti-Christian pogrom that flared up on 23 August in Kandhamal district in the north-east Indian state of Orissa continues to rage. It now engulfs nine districts, indicating a high level of VHP (Hindu World Council) orchestration. More than 50 Christians have been killed and multitudes have been raped, bashed, burned and slashed. Some 50,000 Christians are displaced. Even the relief camps are being attacked but, praise God, two attempts to poison their water supplies have been thwarted. Furthermore, anti-Christian violence is now erupting in other states. Churches have been torched in Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka whilst nuns from Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity were violently assaulted in Chhattisgarh. The central government appears paralysed. Please pray for God's intervention.
    Source: World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin - RLP 495 | India: Hindu Anti-Christian Pogrom Spreads
  • Please join the Pneuma Foundation volunteer staff to pray about finances for the organization. We are still trying to recover from the expenses we incurred in the Spring of this year. We would appreciate your prayer about this.
  • A Christian leader in India writes, asking for prayer. Reference Number: 90033200
    1. We have 30 congregations. Please pray for my 30 Pastors/Evangelists, who are working under my guidance & suffering to spread the kingdom of God in this Hindu regions of India, Asia.
    2. We need 3 Shelter for our new planed tribal congregations to worship God, who do not have place to worship God, conducting Sunday worship / meetings in open ground under the sun. Please pray.
    3. Our Pastors/Evangelists/Youth are very much interested to learn bible, but they do not have resources to go & study in a bible school/college. There is a need for a bible training center.
    4. We are looking for a organisation, who can take care of our ministries in INDIA, to work together with to save this Hindu region in India. Please pray for us.

  • Vietnam: Prayer Vigil confronts government: Catholics and Protestants in Vietnam have long sought the return of properties seized by the Communist Party. For years the church has petitioned the government to no avail. Occasionally there is minimal appeasement, but eventually the confiscation and demolition resume. Now a Spirit of prayer has gripped the Vietnamese Church.
    In March the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South) petitioned 'The Church of God Everywhere' to support them in prayer for their 265 confiscated properties. Meanwhile, Catholics in their thousands, led by their priests, bishops and the Archbishop of Hanoi, have been gathering at various seized properties to pray. These massive non-stop prayer vigil-protests have the government seriously rattled. Will there be victory or violence?
    At 4 am on Friday 19 September, the government broke its promise to the Catholic Church and started demolishing the former nunciature property they promised in February to return to the church. On Sunday 21 September up to 10,000 Catholics braved the rain to pray at the site. There was a heavy police presence complete with dogs. The demolition is an implied threat: 'This is what happens when you push us too far!' Further to that, the government is reported to have ordered school teachers to publically humiliate students who attend the prayer vigils. Two 11-year-olds told their parents their teachers forced them to stand in front of their classmates to be mocked in a 'humiliation session' that dragged on for hours until they promised not to go to the church again. Please pray for 'truth, justice and charity' in Vietnam.
    Source: World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin - RLP 496 | Vietnam: Prayer Vigils Confront Government and RLP 497 | September 08 Update
  • "I am an assisting pastor and evangelist in Nairobi working with Gospel Tabernacle churches of Kenya. ... I need prayer for God to open a door of provision to allow me continue with my studies as I look forward to serving the Lord more." - Simon G. Reference Number: 90033311

  • Philippines: MILF declares war in Mindanao. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has been fighting for decades for an independent Islamic state in the southern Philippines. Now a secret Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Philippine government and the MILF proposes - in exchange for peace - a de facto Islamic state under MILF control over a significantly expanded territory. This was supposed to be signed on 5 August, despite concerns that implementing it would require a constitutional amendment which would probably be undeliverable.
    Christian, Muslim and tribal groups have protested against the secret deal. Two Christian governors petitioned the Supreme Court which ruled unanimously on 4 August that signing the MoA be postponed and it be made public for consultation. MILF elements immediately attacked Catholic villages in central Mindanao, murdering dozens of villagers and forcing some 270,000 people to flee. MILF's Commander Bravo has declared jihad, saying his mujahideen will fight to the death. After weeks of intensive fighting, Government forces have the upper hand. However, the mujahideen might now resort to terrorism. Pray that wisdom with courage will direct the Mindanao debate, so the people in the southern Philippines might have peace with unity, prosperity and religious liberty.
    Source: World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin - RLP 493 | August 08 Update



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