Pneuma Informer, October 2011

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Pneuma Foundation

Oct 31, 2011, 1:13:30 PM10/31/11

The October 2011 PNEUMA INFORMER


          In this issue


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Reports from Around the World

     The Exponential Growth of Christian Believers Worldwide

     Iran: Man imprisoned for Christianity outlasts persecution

     Mexico: Religious minorities threatened

     India: People turning to Christ in greater numbers than any time in history

     Zimbabwe: Churches told to support ruling party or expect consequences

     News and Headlines

     Report the News

Resources You Can Use

     Sermon starter: Friendship

     Spanish Resources


H. Murray Hohns, "The Ninth Decade of Life"

Prayer Requests

Praise Reports


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Reports from Around the World

The Exponential Growth of Christian Believers Worldwide
As Christians, we are living in exciting times. The Gospel is going into places of the world never before reached. God's Word is penetrating the hearts of those who have never had Scripture in their own heart language. And, more progress has been made in seeing the Great Commission completed than ever before. The JESUS Film Project has produced an informational video to tell you about this growth and how the story of Jesus is transforming the world.
If you live in the West, you may not see the full scope, the advance of the Gospel that has taken place, especially in the Global South and developing nations. It has accelerated so much in the past 30 years that many feel fulfillment of the Great Commission is indeed in sight.
This progress is the result of tens of thousands of missionaries, workers, partnerships, churches, prayer, sacrifice and miraculous movements of the Holy Spirit. Over the centuries, those who loved Christ obeyed Him. They went on missionary journeys. They translated Scripture so the average plowman could understand it. They took His story to places and to people, whatever the cost.
By 1900, one person out of 40 in the world was a follower of Jesus Christ. However, only one-third of the world's population had ever heard Christ's name. Worse yet, less than one-sixth of the world had even a single verse of the Bible in their own language. 
By 1980, one person out of every 17 people in the world was a follower of Christ.
In the last 30 years, the speed of evangelism has increased even more. Today, Scripture has been translated into more than 2,500 languages. That has allowed the JESUS Film to be dubbed into more than 1,100 languages. The majority of today's mission force is now made up of non-western missionaries, allowing the JESUS Film to reach previously unreached people groups. Today, one person in eight is a practicing Christian.
We are members of the first generation in history to see the story of Jesus spread farther and faster than the entire previous 1900 years combined. Some are calling this explosion of evangelism the Fifth Great Awakening. See: 
So, at a time when so many are filled with fear and uncertainty, rejoice in the certainty of God's Kingdom. His Kingdom is not in doubt.
To watch the video from the JESUS Film Project, point your browser to:
     Source: Adapted from Mission Network News, 28 September, 2011.

Iran: Man imprisoned for Christianity outlasts persecution

Mexico: Religious minorities threatened
Traditionalist Catholics in the state of Puebla have threatened to "lynch and crucify" evangelical Protestants. Religious freedom advocates call on Mexican government to protect religious minorities. 

India: People turning to Christ in greater numbers than any time in history
Read the full article from Christianity Today July 2011 issue: Tim Stafford , "India's Grassroots Revival: With its people turning to Christ in waves, India hosts more believers now than at any time in its 4,000-year history."

Zimbabwe: Churches told to support ruling party or expect consequences
Zanzibar: Muslims Hold Christians Under Stronghold of Fear "On Tanzania's semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar, Christians live in a climate of fear. It's a place where a young man flees the island to escape death threats from his Muslim family, and a Christian who accidentally burned pages of the Quran opts for jail by entering a guilty plea rather than face certain death from a furious mob."

News and Headlines
Visit links.jsp for Current News and Links

See other news to pray and praise God about in the Prayer Requests department below.

Report the News
We are looking for stories about what God is doing in the world, reports about the persecution of Christians, and information about significant trends and ministry opportunities. If you have a news item to report, please send an email to the PNEUMA INFORMER.

Resources You Can Use

Sermon starter: Friendship
Forbes 400 editorial talks about the difference between friends and "friending." "Successful people have real friends." Does this quote from Aristotle remind you of anything? "[W]ithout friends, no one would choose to live, even if he possessed all other goods."

Spanish Resources
Obrerofiel, with the permission of Libros Alianza, has released version 2.0 of the Presentation Hymnal for the Celebremos Su Gloria Spanish hymnal. You may view videos and download a free trial on
Obrerofiel is also offering Alan Hirsch's e-book, Caminos Olvidados, as a free download from the digital book section.
Source: Brigada Today (2011/10/09 )


THE PNEUMA REVIEW is a quarterly printed journal of ministry resources and theology for Pentecostal and charismatic ministries and leaders. For more information about THE PNEUMA REVIEW, and to learn how to subscribe, please visit: Introducing THE PNEUMA REVIEW.

For a full index of the contents of all Pneuma Review issues, visit:

In order to complete this issue of THE PNEUMA INFORMER while it is still October, no excerpts were able to be included.

H. Murray Hohns, "The Ninth Decade of Life"

Once you pass your 80th birthday, opportunities disappear. Everyday logic says that you are too old for a new career in any field. Time is short. Health, a question. No one wants you, your best days have gone by; the world belongs to the young who have prospects for growth, not death. Once you are 80, you need to get out of the way. You have had your day.

This will change somewhat in coming years since our population is aging, and our retirement planning and provisions are in jeopardy, if they exist at all. Many people my age will have to be productive since they will live longer, and the economics of life will demand that they work or go without.

I have been bi-vocational for the last 26 years. I am a civil engineer that specializes in solving problems that arise on large and small construction jobs, and I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Part of my ministry is a staff pastor in a large church, and one of the things I do is to pastor a group of the older people in the church. I will be 81 on my next birthday. The oldest in that group is 92.

I am well aware of the verses in Ecclesiastes 12 and while I realize the truth of those words, I am not ready to be taken where I do not want to go, nor I am ready to give up living or hoping. My Bible tells me I have a future and a hope without any age limitation, and those are the words I choose to live by. Futures and hopes involve risk, and being willing to make the effort that will require God's help for success.

Another of my ministry activities is to stand at one of the side front exits of our church, and bless those who exit by that door. I do this every Sunday after the 7:00 and 9:00 morning services. I make my way to the door as the preaching minister invites the congregation to stand for the closing prayer and the final song of the service.

I get to look out at the 800 to 1,000 that are in the audience for five minutes or so twice each Sunday, and while I am looking at them, I pray for individuals that catch my eye. Today, I looked at a man in a brightly colored shirt, and I prayed "Lord will you bless the fellow in that shirt this week". I soon noticed another shirt the same color and I prayed for that person, and for another six or eight that also were similarly dressed. I did not know any of these by name.

No one knows I do this. I do not know most of those I bless. They do not know I pray for them, so I have no idea what my prayers achieve, but I am convinced that the God I turn to is eager and wanting to bless those I select each week.

I open the door as the service ends, and perhaps 40 to 100 people pass by. I say or repeat the word "blessings" to many; sometimes I say "woman of God, man of God or God loves you". There is not time to say more since they pass by quickly. Some shake my hand, but most do not. It's a double door, and they are moving along in two's and three's, so my ministry lasts five minutes and they are all gone.

I have gotten to know or recognize many that exit by my door since they pass that way every week. I often wonder what my speaking those blessings means to  those that hear my words. I know that God hears me and ministers to those I bless, and those you bless.

I have learned to bless people, businesses, stores, cars, trucks, buses, ambulances, all kinds of things as I drive around town. I go by City Hall and bless the Mayor, the city council and those who work there as I pass. Would you, God, bless our Governor and the legislators? There is no end of people and things to bless. Imagine what could happen if each of you who read these words begin to bless those who pass by you.

God, would you bless each one that reads these words out of their socks this week. In Jesus name! Amen.

Pastor Mur
October 30, 2011


H. Murray Hohns teaches at Foursquare's New Hope Christian College in Honolulu, is on staff at the largest church in Hawaii and has served on his denomination's investment committee since 1999. Hohns has two degrees in Civil Engineering and a MA in Theology from Fuller Seminary. He has written five engineering books and hundreds of articles in every type of newspaper, magazine and journal.

Prayer Requests

  • Somali Christian confirmed dead, decapitated. Open Doors, USA received confirmation that a Somali Christian convert from Islam was kidnapped and beheaded in early September 2011. Christian leaders in the area suspect al Shabaab as the murderers since decapitation is a mark of the terrorist group's hatred for Christian converts. Christians were afraid even to bury him for fear of also being attacked. Somalia is an extremely dangerous place for Christians right now. Pray for their safety and boldness.
    Full story:

  • NATO pulls out of Libya; Christians dig in. NATO has decided to end its mandate in Libya on October 31. This, despite the transitional government's request to remain for security reasons until the end of the 2011. The government has already declared full Sharia law, and the hostility toward non-Muslims has Christians keeping the low-profile status which was adopted under Gaddafi. Open Doors workers who have been providing aid, Christian literature, and Bibles are urging prayer for strength and wisdom for believers there.
    Source: Mission Network News, 31 October, 2011.

Praise Reports

  • Mexico: After conflict, village agrees to promote religious freedom. In Puebla State, Protestant and Catholic leaders, along with the local government, have signed an agreement to promote religious freedom and tolerance in a village after the recent escalation of religious conflict. A group of traditionalist Catholics threatened to "lynch and crucify" about 70 Protestants. The Catholic church removed the local priest accused of instigating the conflict and Puebla State officials stepped in, helping negotiate an agreement between the Catholic and Protestant communities. Similar conflicts between Catholics and Protestants are common in many Mexican states, and Mexican law mandates that resolution should be sought through dialogue.
    Source: ASSIST News Service


  • Dr. William W. Menzies, Assemblies of God pastor, educator, missionary, and author, went to be with the Lord shortly past noon on August 15, 2011. He was 80 years old.


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