January 2008

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Jan 31, 2008, 5:49:30 PM1/31/08
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The January 2008 PNEUMA INFORMER

Read the full issue online:

In this issue


What's New at www.PneumaFoundation.org

     New Online Articles

     New Links and Content Worth Noticing


Reports from Around the World

     USA: 93 Million People Have Access to the JESUS Film

     The story of Letunin and Ngoto

     India: Ministry reaches into lives of victims of human trafficking

     Nigeria: Sunni Islamic missionaries accept Christ and want to build a church 

     Film team shares message of peace in violent African prison 

     Special Report from Richard Twiss in Pakistan

     Transdniester: President initiates order to halt Pentecostal Church's public worship

     News and Headlines

     Report the News


Resources You Can Use

     Learn more about your community 

     Bible Software

     Source for Free Christian Audio Books

     Babies can discern motive and behavior

     Video Sessions of Web Ministry Conference

     Who Can See Giving Records?


Excerpts from the PNEUMA REVIEW


Prayer Requests
Supporting the Ministry of the Pneuma Foundation 



What's New at www.PneumaFoundation.org


New Online Articles


New Links and Content Worth Noticing



Reports from Around the World


USA: 93 Million People Have Access to the JESUS Film
Every person who travels through the airports in Washington D.C. has 24 hour access to the JESUS Film. Senior Chaplain Ralph Benson, director of the Metropolitan Washington Interfaith Chapels, prays with about 20 people each day in the airport. He says that most evangelism occurs when airport employees watch the movie. "They'll sit and watch the movie and then they'll ask questions about the movie. I've had several chaplains who, based upon somebody's questions about the movie will maybe share a tract with them, maybe share a devotional with them, lead them to Christ and then be able to follow up." Airport Bible studies are a means of follow up but they also offer chapel services. By meeting the needs of all faith groups, doors are opened. One Muslim man borrowed a copy of the JESUS film. "Over a period of months he made the decision personally to become a Christian. Now, that's a very big movement if you've been a Muslim all your life."
Source: Mission Network News, 5 December, 2007. Full story: http://mnn.gospelcom.net/article/10649


The story of Letunin and Ngoto
A woman who is telling the story of Jesus in East Africa shares this story about one couple who obeyed and changed their community.
We had to fix lots of flat tires in the desert. On one such stop we came upon an extraordinary Samburu couple, Letunin and Ngoto. While my husband Jim changed the tire and our three children played in the sand, Letunin told us this of his life story.
Letunin and Ngoto lived far out in a desert village and understood only a few portions of Scripture that had been translated into a related language. They had become followers of Christ and were extremely happy to be married to another person who shared deep faith in Christ. Among other life lessons, they had learned of the Apostle Paul's instructions on marriage in I Corinthians 7, telling each man and woman to have his/her own husband. ("Let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.") So, as a young married couple they had vowed to follow God's Word in this area. Letunin would not take a second wife, though most of his friends had multiple wives as soon as they could afford to feed them.
The village people regularly laughed at this long-married couple and reminded them that because Ngoto was barren she was obviously cursed by God. It seemed obvious that Letunin should take a second wife. The women told Ngoto, "If you really loved your husband you would INSIST he take a second wife so you will have someone to take care of your camels and goats when both of you are old." Ngoto always replied that God had the power to give them a child. The women laughed out loud at Ngoto's non-traditional notions.
The elders called Letunin foolish and kept urging him to take a second wife. They called Ngoto "useless." But Letunin always answered from God's Word, saying that each man should have his own wife (singular) and each woman her own husband (singular). The couple became the laughingstock of the entire village and amongst the larger people group.
One morning God turned the tables. Laughter erupted from Letunin and Ngoto's house, drawing crowds of villagers. Perhaps the couple had gone insane from years of being childless? No. Letunin came out and announced, "Ngoto is pregnant. God has the power to answer prayer. Trust Him. He can do the impossible!"
They named the child the Samburu word for "Laughter." It reminded them of all the years people had laughed at them, and of their belief in God's Word. It also reminded them of the joyous laughter God brought into their lives that day.
If you ever get the opportunity to visit this small East African village, you will find a growing Samburu church, with many Christians trying to obey what they understand of God's Word. Many began following Christ because of Letunin and Ngoto. God used this one couple and their adherence to His Word to start a God-honoring group of Christ-followers out in the desert.
Letunin and Ngoto stand as examples to me and to you. Follow God's Word against all odds. He always has the power to turn situations around to bring glory to Himself.
Source: Brigada Today 2007/12/21


India: Ministry reaches into lives of victims of human trafficking
The magnitude of human trafficking in India has only come out in the media recently. They're one of the greatest offenders worldwide with approximately 150,000 young women trafficked as prostitutes. Brent Hample says, for several years India Partners has been reaching into this situation to save lives. "We are praying and working with other organizations to help rescue these girls from the brothels and from the prostitution trade and to free them into safe homes and into vocational training so they can get a new start in their lives." So far they have helped between 50 and 100 women. Hample says the ministry is difficult but spiritually rewarding. "It's starting from scratch for some of them, teaching them how to interact, how to conduct themselves in appropriate manners. Some girls do come to know Christ." Hample urges Christians to get educated, pray, and fund efforts to save these young women.
Source: Mission Network News, 17 December, 2007. Full story: http://mnn.gospelcom.net/article/10687


Nigeria: Sunni Islamic missionaries accept Christ and want to build a church
After working among the Fulani since 2002, Christian Aid-assisted Missionary Crusaders Ministries experienced a miraculous breakthrough in August when 12 Fulani accepted Christ as their Savior and expressed a desire for a church building and primary school.
The Fulani are the largest nomadic tribe in the world and comprise Nigeria's strongly Muslim ruling class. They are known as missionaries of Sunni Islam and are extremely closed to outsiders and resistant to the gospel.
Source: Missions Insider Vol. 8, No. 11. December 14, 2007. Full story: http://www.christianaid.org/Missionaries/MIR/mir20071207.aspx


Film team shares message of peace in violent African prison
A JESUS film team traveled to a harsh prison in an African country, unnamed for security reasons. The warden initially refused to allow them in, but when the team suggested that Jesus could bring peace to his prison, he had a change of heart. Most of the inmates had never heard the gospel. At the end of the film, many indicated a desire to trust Christ. The team also established a New Life Training Center in the prison, to disciple the new believers. Pray that their new faith takes root.
Source: Mission Network News, 4 January, 2008. Full story: http://mnn.gospelcom.net/article/10751


Special Report from Richard Twiss in Pakistan
Richard Twiss and Dave Gomez of Wiconi.org returned from Pakistan just days before the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. This is one report came about some of the amazing opportunities that the Holy Spirit provided for them while they were there. Visit www.Wiconi.com for more about Richard Twiss and First Nations ministry.
Here's a truly awe-inspiring story of the goodness of Jesus at work in lives of people around the world, and the life of one Muslim man in particular.
We sat talking with a young man who several months earlier had been visited in his dreams by Jesus. For a week, each night he would find himself in a pit filled with darkness, lostness and hopelessness, crying out for help. He felt he was sinking ever deeper. As he stared upward out of the pit, he would see, as he described it, a long-haired man with rays of bright light coming from his body standing overhead. This man was holding out a book that seemed to him to be a bible. As he stretched out his hand toward the man, he then found himself out of the pit, standing in peace. Because he had been brought up with and around friends and neighbors who were Christians his entire life, he said he knew this man was Jesus. Some ten days after this had occurred he called a Christian leader he knew to arrange a private meeting to get some help understanding what was happening to him.
He said he was very upset and couldn't sleep and could his friend help explain what was this all meant. He knew that this was something to do with Christianity but did not know what to do. He was also very concerned because he had talked with his family about this but they became very angry and threatened to charge him with "converting" and have him put in prison.
The young man talked to a good friend of his who was a lawyer and told him of his interest in becoming a Christian. His lawyer friend said if he did this, he would become his first enemy and would accuse and personally prosecute him.
As we sat together he told us his story. He knew in his heart that Jesus had appeared to him and brought salvation to him and his family and now he wanted to become an open follower of Jesus. For a Muslim in Pakistan this is a very difficult and dangerous decision even leading, possibly, to ones death. Another part of the miracle is that his wife is in agreement and desires to follow her husband as a follower of Jesus. She too, however is from a large Muslim family who are adamantly opposed to the idea of being a Christian.
He was asking us what he should do. He did not have much time with us because he did not want to arouse any suspicion in his family who were nearby. After we talked I had the great privilege to pray over this man and we together thanked God for sending Jesus to us, bringing salvation into our lives and giving us a plan and purpose for our lives.
In a few months as the Holy Spirit directs, he will find a way to move from his home. (As is his case, it is mostly multi-family homes here, with parents and children and grand-children sharing the same house). He expressed his great desire to then be able to openly profess his faith in Jesus and live as a follower of Jesus, something he is so excited about!
Source:  http://www.injesus.com/index.php?module=message&task=view&MID=NB007DQS&GroupID=5B006177 Used with permission.


Transdniester: President initiates order to halt Pentecostal Church's public worship
The authorities in the breakaway unrecognized entity of Transdniester have ordered a Pentecostal church to stop meeting for public worship, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. Pastor Yuri Semenyuk halted his Pentecostal church's public worship after a warning from Transdniester's senior Prosecutor, which was initiated by the entity's President, Igor Smirnov.
"We're trying to abide by the law," Pastor Semenyuk told Forum 18. "Our church meets in a building designated as a private home, and the Prosecutor said this was not allowed." He said the 300-strong congregation has now been forced to meet in small home groups. If the church were to defy the ban and continue to meet as one congregation, Pastor Semenyuk suspects that the authorities would strip the congregation of its legal status. The Deputy Prosecutor insisted to Forum 18 that "in no way is this persecution." Transdniester routinely makes religious activity outside state-approved places of worship difficult.
Source: Forum 18, 20 December 2007. http://www.forum18.org/Archive.php?article_id=1066


News and Headlines
Visit links.jsp for Current News and Links

·         India: Hindus, Christians clash in Orissa Will there be justice, or will the tension and reprisals be suppressed only for it build up in the shadows and grow even worse? (MNN). http://www.mnnonline.org/article/10728

·         Editorial: Suffocating the Faithful: Will the last Mideast church leader be sure to turn off the lights? by David Aikman (Christianity Today, December 2007). http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/december/26.58.html

·         Europeans are losing hope (Wall Street Journal). http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB119698157441516372.html | Suggested by Doug Lucas of Brigada. "based on a survey of 10,373 Europeans from throughout Western Europe ... Europeans are scared. Lack of direction, lack of leadership, lessening freedoms, more worries, more selfishness, and increasing pessimism. Interestingly, the responses also revealed a shocking rise in secularism, a loss of purpose, and, in general, a breakdown of society." http://www.brigada.org/today/2007/20071102.html#11

·         Turkey: January 2008 Christianity Today coverage of today's ancient Asia Minor. Jesus in Turkey: After 550 years of decline, a bloodied church is being reborn by Tony Carnes http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/january/12.25.html | Slideshow: Turkey Photos by Denise McGill and Tony Carnes http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/special/turkey/1.1.html | Justice Delayed: Security worries stall recognition of Armenian genocide by Denise McGill http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/january/16.30.html | A Victorious Family: A murdered pastor's family rebuilds its life. Denise McGill http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/january/15.28.html | Accidental Outreach: Christian leaders avoid targeting Kurds, but reach them anyway by Tony Carnes. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/january/13.26.html

·         "Good Works Not Enough: Latest papal document urges Roman Catholics to win souls." Facing increased "competition" from Pentecostals and others, Catholic missionaries are told they must do more than humanitarian good works (ChristianityTodayOnline). http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/february/2.13.html

·         "ID Tagged" Faculty member at Iowa State University denied tenure for supporting intelligent design (Christianity Today Feb 2008). http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/february/4.15.html

·         UK: Surprise Appointment Evangelical leader named to commission upholding equal rights (ChristiantiyTodayOnline). http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/januaryweb-only/102-53.0.html

·         Archaeology: "Israeli Says Elusive Biblical Wall Found" Prominent Israeli archeaologist believes she has found Nehemiah's wall (AP). http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8T7ORS00&show_article=1 |Evangelical archaeologist Edwin Yamauchi has said, "It remains to be seen whether Eilat Mazar's claims will be upheld, but it is, I think, a very positive development." http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/february/5.16.html

·         USA: "Is American Christianity Turning Charismatic?" The report says: "the number of churches and adherents to Pentecostal perspectives and practices has grown significantly in the past two decades" (Barna Group). http://www.barna.org/FlexPage.aspx?Page=BarnaUpdateNarrow&BarnaUpdateID=287

·         North Korea trying to expose underground church (MNN). http://www.mnnonline.org/article/10736


See other news to pray and praise God about in the Prayer Requests department below.


Report the News
We are looking for stories about what God is doing in the world, reports about the persecution of Christians, and information about significant trends and ministry opportunities. If you have a news item to report, please send an email to the
PNEUMA INFORMER. http://www.pneumafoundation.org/contactus.jsp



Resources You Can Use


Learn more about your community
"ZIPskinny is an online resource that allows you to research a zip code's demographics as well as compare it with up to 19 other zip codes. It is a great resource for learning more about your church's community" says ChurchRelevance.com: http://churchrelevance.com/free-zip-code-info-with-zipskinny
Source: Web Evangelism Newsletter Issue 153, November 2007.


Bible Software
Julia C. writes: "I wanted to make you aware of our Free Bible Explorer (www.bible-explorer.com). You can download Bible Explorer 4.0 plus over 130 Bibles and reference works; including English Standard Version, King James Version, GOD's WORD Translation, and Matthew Henry Commentary, Barnes Notes on the New Testament, Talking Strong's Greek and Hebrew Dictionary, absolutely free. New titles are added every week.
"We also publish WORDsearch and LESSONmaker which are geared for those folks who preach and teach to change lives. In all we offer over 1000 titles totally nearly 2500 volumes."


Source for Free Christian Audio Books
Classic Christian books by writers including E.M Bounds, G.K Chesterton are available as audio book downloads for free. Start the year with The Practice of the Presence of God in your iPod by going to: http://freechristianaudiobooks.com
Source: Brigada Today 2007/12/21


Babies can discern motive and behavior
Babies are certainly fearfully and wonderfully made. I have long been impressed by the way a child too young to talk can imagine, and distinguish between imaginary activities, such as pretending to eat food from a picture, and eating real food.
We are hard-wired for imagination and story.
Babies can also tell friend from foe long before they can talk, according to research published in NATURE. Use of puppets demonstrating 'moral' behavior, by seemingly helping or hindering another puppet to climb a slope, were noted by babies of six months, who all afterwards reached out to hold the 'helpful' puppet and rejected the 'nasty' one. So - another behavior that appears hard-wired rather than learned! http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/child_health/article2916064.ece
Here is another look at this same research: "Infants show good judgment" http://www.preachingtoday.com/51998
Source: Web Evangelism Newsletter Issue 153, November 2007.


Video Sessions of Web Ministry Conference
Seven of the web evangelism seminars from the September 07 Web Ministry Conference are now online (using an innovative system which displays the PowerPoint or screen content that the participants saw, as well as the speaker): http://www.webevangelism.com/index.php?id=100 with some additional sessions available in audio only: http://www.internetministryconference.org/blog/.
Of particular interest to the mission world is the video session "The Edges of Cyberspace" which looks at the huge potential of digital evangelism for the non-western world in the coming few years. With the "Next Billion" web users coming online very soon (mainly in the 10-40 Window), and 3.3 billion people already using mobile devices, now is the time for mission agencies to look again at how they can use the Web, video and audio, mobile devices, and Internet Cafes: http://ong9d.rmxpres.com/Accordent/data/Edmiston/msh.html
Source: Brigada Today 2007/12/21


Who Can See Giving Records?
Church legal expert, Richard Hammar, discusses the sticky subject of who can see church giving records. Also included on this Q&A appearing in Leadership Journal: Can a donor give a car through the church to a specific needy person?



Excerpts from the PNEUMA REVIEW


The PNEUMA REVIEW is a quarterly printed journal of ministry resources and theology for Pentecostal and charismatic ministries and leaders. For more information about the PNEUMA REVIEW, and to learn how to subscribe, please visit: Introducing the PNEUMA REVIEW. www.pneumafoundation.org/intro_pr.jsp


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In order to complete this issue of the INFORMER while it is still January, no excerpts from the journal will be included.



Prayer Requests

·         Skip Meyer, a friend of the ministry, has asked for prayer on behalf of an urgent relief effort in Haiti that has been delayed by the Haitian government. Skip passed along this January 29 request from one of the relief team members in Haiti, "We now have four containers waiting to be released with humanitarian aid and relief supplies all donated and not for resale here in the country of Haiti. The government has been dragging their feet granting us tax exempt status even though they were shipped under the Archdiocese of Port au Prince, one of the oldest and most recognized non-profit agencies in Haiti. ... We need some intervention to assist getting these supplies out without having to pay the check of guarantee and we need them right away. For example, there is on container one a generator for LaColline, Haiti. This generator (which by law is tax exempt) is needed to pump water from the well for an entire village. The old generator is broken and not repairable. Right now people are literally dying of thirst or forced to drink dirty mucky water because there is no way to pump water for this entire village. Each container and every item represents similar needs. We have hospital supplies donated by [hospitals in Grand Rapids, Michigan] needed for clinics and hospitals throughout Haiti. School supplies, food, agriculture supplies, and much more. If there is any way our government can put pressure on this government of Haiti to step up to the plate and do the right thing by allowing us to help others which is our sole purpose of operation it would be greatly appreciated." www.raysofhopeforhaiti.com


·         Pastor Anwar in Pakistan writes: "Our nation is suffering its greatest crisis in history. As terrible as the earthquake was in 2005, our present crisis is far greater. Following the assassination of Mrs. Bhutto, government and private people's businesses, factories, shops, railroad cars, buses, cars, banks and buildings have been destroyed by fire. Billions of Pakistan rupees have been wasted and no one is being held responsible. Pray for the killers to be arrested as well God-given wisdom for the Scotland Yard team from England assisting with this case. Terrorist attacks occur daily. Everyday we hear the news of suicide attacks taking the lives of hundreds. Life is very insecure and upset here. Pakistan is an agricultural land. We are experiencing a famine of wheat for the first time in history. Roti/Nan is a bread staple which is made from wheat flour and is the biggest thing in our meals. If we don't have flour it is like a curse throughout the nation; our people are crying out for meals. Pray for fertility of the land so that it can produce enough wheat. We have had a draught and there is not enough water in our reservoirs which has created a crisis of very low production of electricity. We are having severe problems at this time of "load-sharing" which means we only have electricity 14 hours a day. The result is factories, business and shops are intermittently shut down, which lowers the daily wages of people, as well as the nation. Please pray for enough waters in or dams so that our power plants can generate sufficient electricity for business and life here. Pray for right Prime Minister and party to be elected. We humbly request you to stand with us in raising prayer support for Peace and Prosperity in Pakistan."
Source: Richard Twiss in Smoke Signals Jan 15, 2008


·         Post-election violence in Kenya. Riots and violence erupted throughout Kenya soon after incumbent president Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner of the December 27th presidential election. Opposition challenger, Raila Odinga, claimed the poll was rigged in Kibaki's favor. Because of this, hundreds have been killed and more than 250,000 displaced. Dead bodies litter the streets. As of January 3, thousands of Kenyans have fled to Uganda. Full story and photos: Mission Insider.
Source: Christian Aid Mission Insider Vol. 9, No. 1, January 9, 2008


·         Russia: brewing trouble for Evangelical Christianity. Putin's sway grows stronger in Russia after parliamentary elections, and this could mean trouble for outreach ministries. In general, the outcome is bad news for the West, as there are few allies left in power within the government. That, coupled with the association of Evangelical Christianity with the West, and Slavic Gospel Association's Joel Griffith calls the results of the parliamentary elections "troubling." "That certainly is going to bear watching, because obviously if you have an anti-Western Parliament in place and if the government begins to really step up in being anti-Western, it certainly could have an impact on missionaries overseas. Who knows what effect it will have on Bible-preaching churches?" While Russia has not yet resurrected the Iron Curtain, there are concerns about the changes coming. Griffith urges prayer. "In a lot of regions, churches are able to function and worship and evangelize without much interference. But in other regions of Russia, you might well get opposition from local authorities. So it just remains to be seen what this new Parliament will do."
Source: Mission Network News, 6 December, 2007. Full story: http://mnn.gospelcom.net/article/10653


·         The India Gypsy Work, Mission-Inde.org, is looking for a translator from French to English. Founded by pastor and Bible teacher Clement Le Cossec in 1966, the ministry has been supporting evangelistic outreach for over 40 years. Reference number: 90030572.


·         Iraq: Sudden Violence Shatters Christmas Calm. Since 2004, Iraq's Christian minority has suffered such great violence and intimidation that the fragility of life is a daily reality to those who choose to stay and not flee abroad. Some recent signs of growing peace resulted in well attended Christmas services. However this calm was short-lived in Mosul and Baghdad where bombs struck churches, a monastery, a convent and orphanage on Epiphany Sunday, 6 January. Later attacks on churches in Kirkuk inflicted casualties and further major damage. Please pray that the Church will be sustained with courage as it perseveres amidst these further co-ordinated attempts to intimidate Christians to leave Iraq. May it be a force for healing within the fractured nation.
May God's grace and protection faithfully guard the Christian community as well as all who are seeking to secure peace.
Source: World Evangelical Alliance RLP 461 | Iraq: Sudden Violence Shatters Christmas Calm


·         India: Christmas Eve celebration launches "Black Christmas Day" in Orissa. On the afternoon of December 24, 2007, many Christians in the Kandhamal District of India were preparing for their usual Christmas festivities. A quarrel broke out after a group of people approached one of the tents voicing their disapproval of the decorations being used for the Christmas celebration. A scuffle ensued which escalated into open fire on the Christians, resulting in gunshot wounds to three of them. However, it is believed that this was a strategy instigated by a radical Hindu guru: the "quarrel" quickly and methodically erupted into a widespread campaign of terror against Christians throughout the entire Kandhamal District of Orissa State. Churches, businesses, orphanages, schools and homes have been completely destroyed. Some were bombed. Crosses were torn down and churches desecrated. In just one of the district villages, over 400 homes were broken into and looted. Tables, chairs, sound systems and equipment of all kinds burned while police stood by - as spectators to the torchings.
Later on, one of the extremists gave the media this as their "reason" for the attacks: Christians are "using Christmas decorations as a ploy to convert the poor and uneducated to Christianity." Read the
full story from Christian Aid.
See also these reports:
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/januaryweb-only/102-42.0.html "India's Burning Issue: Conversions in Orissa - and the violent reaction against them - highlight tension in India's not-so-dead caste system." By Joseph D'Souza (ChristianityTodayOnline).
Christians facing more uncertainty in India January 16, 2008 (MNN). http://mnn.gospelcom.net/article/10795
Source: Christian Aid Mission Insider Vol. 9, No. 1, January 9, 2008


·         Indonesia: Christians Pressured from East to West. While Indonesian Muslims have traditionally been nominal, cultural, progressive Muslims, Islamic fundamentalism and militancy is growing. From west to east, Christians are coming under increased pressure. Islamists are pressing ahead with Sharia law in autonomous Aceh, while militant fundamentalists in West Java continue to tackle 'apostasy and Christian expansion' by persecuting pastors and evangelists and forcing the closure of churches. Meanwhile in Papua the genocide of a betrayed Christian people is being perpetrated. Please pray that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would make a just stand for the rights and security of ethnic and religious minorities. Pray too for God to give Indonesia's Christian leaders the 'Spirit of wisdom' (Ephesians 1:17) in abundance.
Related stories:
Islamic militants in Indonesia go to prison for terror attacks on Christians http://mnn.gospelcom.net/article/10651
Source: World Evangelical Alliance RLP 457 | "Indonesia: Christians Pressurised from West to East"



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