here is what I posted yesterday so let me know if you saw this post or can see it thx here is the other post:
Hey all ... Yesterday I accidentally sent out an invite to my penpal and mailing list site ... thinking that it would be OK for the rec mailing list ... unfortunately there is this ass hole named dritz ... I think he is or .... any way he is a real anal prick with no life. So I saw this other post on the internet with my email address on it and I emailed him and asked him what the deal was ... and why I was on this report ... and that I didnt know what I did wrong and what I could do to rectify it ...
anyway this ass hole then goes back and tells his mommy and about anyone else he could think of about this issue ... he is such an anal prick ...
anyway I just wanted to send this mail to the rec newsgroup and let all of you know that I am sorry if I cause you any inconvenience at all ... and if I did I just wanted to appolgize.
If you want to contact me to discuss this please drop me an email at I would really like to hear from all of you and we can discuss this off line. Thank you.