Re: [pmwiki-users] Problems with PageLogoUrl

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Ulf Bro

Mar 29, 2012, 10:49:49 AM3/29/12
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Ulf Bro <> wrote:
>> I have a problem. I want to include a custom logo. No matter how I
>> set $PageLogoUrl it doesn't work.
>> Not even if I set it to
>> http://localhost/pub/skins/pmwiki/pmwiki-32.gif
>> which is the address of the currently used logo, not even then does
>> it work.
>> Also if I set it to a relative address like
>> $PubDirUrl/skins/pmwiki/pmwiki-32.gif
>> it doesn't work.
>> Alternative skins do work. What do I do wrong?
> You have checked that the file is in the appropriate directory and
> readable by the web server?

Yes. They are all chmod 777.

> Can you see the logo file if you put the address directly into your
> browser?

When I enter http://localhost/pub/skins/pmwiki/pmwiki-32.gif in the
address field of my browser Chrome then I get the pmwiki logo in the
upper left corner of a white page.

> Have you made any changes to the pmwiki skin?

No. But I have downloaded another skin and modified it. It works well. I
can switch between this skin and monobook and pmwiki and all work well.
They all have the PmWiki Logo on them. I thought I would have my own

But as soon as I uncomment the line in local/config.php where it says:

$PageLogoUrl = "..."

nothing works any more. No page is displayed. I had thoght of something
like this:

$PageLogoUrl = "$PubDirUrl/skins/myskin/images/Logo.png"

or alternatively:

$PageLogoUrl = "http://localhost/pub/skins/myskin/images/Logo.png"

which definitely both do not work.


Now I have made a workaround.

In the new skin I have changed the line in the .tmpl file such that it
now reads:

<div id='wikilogo'>
<a href='{$ScriptUrl}'><img src='$SkinDirUrl/images/Logo.png'
alt='$WikiTitle' border='0' /></a>

This works perfect. So I personally have no problems.

But it's kind of funny though...


pmwiki-users mailing list

Petko Yotov

Mar 29, 2012, 4:39:49 PM3/29/12
On Thursday 29 March 2012 16:49:49 Ulf Bro wrote:
> But as soon as I uncomment the line in local/config.php where it says:
> $PageLogoUrl = "..."
> nothing works any more. No page is displayed. I had thoght of something
> like this:
> $PageLogoUrl = "$PubDirUrl/skins/myskin/images/Logo.png"
> or alternatively:
> $PageLogoUrl = "http://localhost/pub/skins/myskin/images/Logo.png"
> which definitely both do not work.

You may try adding a semicolon ";" at the end of your instructions or commands
in PHP. For example, this will probably work:

$PageLogoUrl = "http://localhost/pub/skins/myskin/images/Logo.png";

Second, the $PubDirUrl variable may be yet undefined early in config.php, so
if you use it, it is recommended to do either:

$PageLogoUrl = "\$PubDirUrl/skins/myskin/images/Logo.png";

(inside double quotes, a backslash \ will not allow for the variable to be
expanded at this point, it will be expanded later in the skin) or:

$PageLogoUrl = '$PubDirUrl/skins/myskin/images/Logo.png';

(inside single quotes, variables are not expanded, so this one will be
expanded later in the skin).

Now, the "second" part is for your specific case, it may be not adapted for
another case. I can recommend reading a little about the PHP programming
language in order to get comfortable with the strings and variables.

The "semicolon" part can be used in other cases.



Mar 30, 2012, 7:06:37 AM3/30/12

Dear pmwiki users,

I recently tried to modify our wiki page using edit, but can't be saved.
It always shows message like this:

PmWiki can't process your request

Cannot write page to PmWiki.HomePage (wiki.d/PmWiki.HomePage)...changes
not saved

We are sorry for any inconvenience.


Does anyone know why is this? Thanks a lot!


Eric Forgeot

Mar 30, 2012, 8:41:12 AM3/30/12
to wang,,
probably a permission error. See #3 in
and also this page

2012/3/30 wang <>:

Ulf Bro

Mar 30, 2012, 9:24:00 AM3/30/12
> You may try adding a semicolon ";" at the end...
> ... I can recommend reading a little about the PHP
> programming language...

It was the semicolon allright. Everything works. I'll read

Thank you!


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