[pmwiki-devel] PmWiki Skin and Default name

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Aug 19, 2023, 10:11:20 PM8/19/23
to PmWiki Devel Mailing List
In the PmWiki responsive skin there are the lines

          <div id='wikititle'>
            <div class='pagegroup'><a href='{$ScriptUrl}/{$Group}'>{$Group}</a> /</div>
            <h1 class='pagetitle'>{$Title}</h1>

In my config.php I set 
      $DefaultName = 'HomePage';

In my wiki I have two pages

    MyGroup.HomePage (the landing page for the group)

Event though I have configured the default name to "HomePage" PmWiki continues to send page references in the form (specifically in the page title as shown above)
    "MyGroup/ "
to "MyGroup/MyGroup" if the Page "MyGroup.MyGroup" exists, this doesn't seem right



Petko Yotov

Aug 20, 2023, 1:40:39 AM8/20/23
to Simon, PmWiki Devel Mailing List
Short answer: You can try setting this to config.php:

$PagePathFmt = array('{$Group}.$1','$1.{$DefaultName}','$1.$1');

This will affect the "Name" link in the page header, as well as wiki
links like [[Name/]], [[Name.]], [[Name]] from within the Name group,
and [[Name]] from another group.

Long answer:

There is ambiguity when you have pages Name.Name, Name.HomePage, and/or
Main.Name. When a link [[Name]] is encountered indeed PmWiki may use a
process different from the one in the author's mind. Same for the "Name"
link in the page header. Same for (:pagelist list=grouphomes:) and the
recently added page variables {$GroupHomePage} and similar.

To calculate the full page name in the case only "Name" (no group) is
supplied, the array $PagePathFmt is used, and the first page that exists
from that array is returned.

This is the default:
$PagePathFmt = array('{$Group}.$1','$1.$1','$1.{$DefaultName}');

When the string "Name" is derived from the URL, such as when the browser
follows a group link from a page header, then {$Group} is
{$DefaultGroup} (Main) and the URL works like when it was a link
[[Name]] in the Main group.

When you have a link [[Name]] in any group, it will process it according
to $PagePathFmt. So it will first try CurrentGroup.Name, then Name.Name,
then Name.HomePage, and whatever page first exists it will be returned.

For links [[Name/]] or [[Name.]], it knows that "Name" is the group
name, but then again if both Name.Name and Name.HomePage exist, it will
use the order of $PagePathFmt.

Note that a link [[Name]] in a page of the Name group would point to
Name.Name if it exists (from '{$Group}.$1'), and the same link in
another group may point to Name.HomePage.

Also a link [[Name]] in a group different from Name/, and a link
[[Name]] "included" in another group from the Name/ group (by
(:include:) or a page text variable, or a sidebar) may link to different

We could add a separate array to process the string from the URL (in
ResolvePageName) different from $PagePathFmt that processes links in
pages, but I'm afraid then you may have unexpected results with
[[Name/]] and [[Name.]] links.

Alternatively, use Name.Name as the group homepages, and remove the
pages Name.HomePage and Main.Name.

pmwiki-devel mailing list


Sep 23, 2023, 3:13:46 AM9/23/23
to Petko Yotov, PmWiki Devel Mailing List
Thanks for this awesomely comprehensive reply.

It seems to me that by setting $DefaultName it should then take priority over the default "default"name (i.e. $Group/$Group), and that this would be a reasonable expectation for a wiki admin that the "home page" of a group would be preferred if there was any disambiguation.

if (empty ($DefaultName)) then # the default
     $PagePathFmt = array('{$Group}.$1','$1.$1','$1.{$DefaultName}');
else # admin changed the 'home page'
     $PagePathFmt = array(,'$1.{$DefaultName}','{$Group}.$1','$1.$1');

Many years ago the decision set set $Defaultname (to 'HomePage') was made and its not reversible now

thanks very much


Petko Yotov

Sep 23, 2023, 11:32:46 AM9/23/23
to Simon, PmWiki Devel Mailing List
On 23/09/2023 10:12, Simon wrote:
> Thanks for this awesomely comprehensive reply.
> It seems to me that by setting $DefaultName it should then take
> priority over the default "default"name (i.e. $Group/$Group), and that
> this would be a reasonable expectation for a wiki admin that the "home
> page" of a group would be preferred if there was any disambiguation.
> e.g.
> if (empty ($DefaultName)) then # the default
> $PagePathFmt = array('{$Group}.$1','$1.$1','$1.{$DefaultName}');
> else # admin changed the 'home page'
> $PagePathFmt = array(,'$1.{$DefaultName}','{$Group}.$1','$1.$1');
> endif
> Many years ago the decision set set $Defaultname (to 'HomePage') was
> made and its not reversible now

$DefaultName is always defined (to "HomePage" unless you change it in
config.php, e.g. "Accueil" in French).

Both $DefaultName and $PagePathFmt are initialised before
local/config.php is included.

They also need to be defined before MakePageName() and ResolvePageName()
are called, and these may be called from config.php or without your
knowledge from a recipe.

I would even consider a link such as [[Page]] only linking to a Page in
the current group, not to Main.Page or Page.Page or Page.HomePage, and
it would be a "new page" link if it doesn't exist. Something like this:

$PagePathFmt = array('{$Group}.$1');

Although such a configuration would break many in-page links on our own
pmwiki.org, and possibly the incoming URLs with only a group without a
slash like index.php?n=Group

A possible workaround for your problem is to avoid having ambiguous page
names. Have only one among these:


And if someone creates such a page, move it to a different name and
redirect the incoming links.

About the Group/ link in the skin template, to prevent opening an
existing page Main.Aotearoa when there is a group Aotearoa (with its own
homepage), in the HTML source you can add a slash after {$Group} like:

<a href='{$ScriptUrl}/{$Group}'>{$Group}</a>
<a href='{$ScriptUrl}/{$Group}/'>{$Group}</a>

This should be tested, there may be some case I don't foresee where this
breaks something.

I am using fixed "$Group.HomePage" or "$Group.Accueil" homepages in
large wikis as it is simpler to configure e.g. SiteHeader, SiteFooter,
and some special recent changes. But as content, I believe
"$Group.$Group" works better for most cases, in English, on a wiki in
another language, and on a multi-language wiki - and you may not even
need to have a (:title...:) directive.

Except specifically "Main.HomePage" seems to me better than "Main.Main".
Hence I'm happy with the option. :-)

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