A Brewing Idea

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Jun 5, 2009, 1:27:43 AM6/5/09
to PMW_Music
I've been thinking lately of writing an editor for PMW code. I haven't
yet decided which language to use, just the idea.

So far, what I have in mind is based on a spreadsheet model: rows are
staves, and cells contain measure items. A cell can contain notes, not
necessarily a whole measure, even just a bar. If the contents, notes
and staff directives, are too many, they could be split over sub-rows.

The main purpose of such an editor is to enable one to see the
contents of a given measure in all staves in juxtaposition, almost
like a normal music score.

I'm currently in the brewing/planning phase. So, any suggestions,
ideas, insights are welcome.

Hosam Adeeb Nashed
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