sales revenue per product

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Kevin Ross

Apr 8, 2015, 8:21:04 PM4/8/15
We have the product/sales order/invoice/line item/payment/credit note (commercial documents) down in our system, now we would like to add real double entry accounting and plutus fits very well.  We will use the multi-tenancy feature, but one conceptual question isn't quite clear to me:

How do we track revenue per product?

- multi-tenancy
- products (as defined by our tenants)
- products have a kind, i.e. service || product (goods)

My guess is that tenants won't want to specify a revenue account, but I'd love to be able to slice up "sales revenue" per product for our tenants.  

Would this mean one `Plutus::Revenue.create` per product?


Apr 9, 2015, 10:49:34 AM4/9/15
So the way we do it, is that our Product class has:

  belongs_to :account, :class_name => "Plutus::Account"

So if we have for example three widget products, like "big widget", "medium widget", "small widget", etc, they all belong to a Revenue account like "Widget Sales"

I'm not sure with tenants how you'd manage it, but I imagine you could create different sales revenue accounts types they could choose to apply to their products. We don't use tenancy here, but have separate databases for multiple SasS customers. We have them supply us with the account names they want, which we seed during setup, or manage for them behind the scenes if they need a new account.
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