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Once when my work computer crashed, I could not access Eclipse. I pulled out my 2nd computer with Plover on it and finished the job. I was doing transcriptions at the time and had a major deadline. I have since switched careers (became a teacher,) but want to tell you that if I had learned Plover first rather than Eclipse first, which my CR school taught, I'd have used Plover for my depositions and transcription work. There was no such thing as Plover when I was in CR school.I now use Plover for all word processing. It is easier for me than Eclipse was (and I really love Eclipse) because there was less to learn. Plover works in conjunction with what I use MS Word for, for my purposes. I hope this helps.--Glorious Fealing--
The transcription work I do is very similar to legal transcription and sometimes we do get recordings of court proceedings that are just being transcribed by recording rather than in realtime for whatever reason (or perhaps in addition to the court reporter's transcript for some reason). If I was fast enough to do realtime, I don't see why this couldn't or wouldn't work just as well in that scenario. The only thing I could see being a roadblock would be if there was push back from the industry who is used to doing things the traditional way and resistant to change/loyal to the proprietary software companies they have used in the past. But even if that happens, it would still only be a matter of time before Plover or something similar is common in professional situations. There are a few others working for the same transcription company I do that use steno. I guess they work in transcription due to the time freedom it offers. They have mentioned that even though they are able to write in realtime speed, they are barely able to produce transcripts any faster than the QWERTY transcriptionists because by the time they run it through their translation software and edit it, the QWERTY users have edited on the fly and turned in their finished product right away after finishing typing. Using Plover, I am able to have the best of both. I am able to produce my final transcript in nearly the same amount of time I did on QWERTY even though I am still quite slow on steno. I hope my imaginations of how fast I will be once I'm more up to speed become a reality.
another thing that Plover has going for it is that it doesn't require a fancy installation, you just drop it anywhere you like on your C drive and you're off and running. So it completely bye bypasses IT.