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Texas Barnraising registration closes Sunday!

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Joe Hui

Feb 14, 2019, 11:36:53 AM2/14/19


Registration for the Texas Barnraising closes Sunday!

Register Here

We’re just over a week away from our Texas Barnraising, and we’re looking forward to coming together to discuss how we understand, document, and advocate around climate change, disaster response, and industrial pollution. Join us at the historic Ashton Villa in Galveston, February 22-24. 

Full registration is just $50, and includes housing and meals from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. Act fast as registration closes this Sunday, February 17! If you’re only able to make it for one day, single-day tickets are $20 and will be available through February 19.

Before and throughout the event, use the hashtag #TXbarnraising and mention @PublicLab on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Share what you’re looking forward to most, and let us know what you’d like to achieve!

All the information you need can be found at We look forward to seeing you soon! 

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