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Reminder | Public Lab OpenHour 12/9 this week!

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Ashley Mocorro Powell

Dec 7, 2020, 5:29:12 PM12/7/20
to Ashley Mocorro Powell
Hi everyone,

Please circulate our end of the year OpenHour to your connections interested in learning about DIY air monitoring, the history and use of the Bucket monitoring tool in community air quality organizing efforts, and the chance to have live Q&A with our panelists this week! Read on for more below.

Upcoming OpenHour: Monday November 16 - Take Back Your Air: Using the Bucket Air Quality Monitor to Improve Health Outcomes 

Join South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) and groundWork in a discussion hosted by Public Lab to learn about 25 years of successful organizing and air quality advocacy using the bucket in South Africa. We will discuss the history of the bucket, its use as a campaign tool, success stories from South Durban, as well as previewing the bucket toolkit and sharing resources for communities looking to do their own air quality monitoring. 

Guest Speakers: 
Rico Euripidou, Environmental Health Campaigner @ groundWork, Friends of the Earth South Africa
Katie Gradowski @ Public Lab Community Technology Fellow
Bongani Mthembu @ SDCEA
Desmond D'Sa @ Goldman Prize Recipient 2014 Africa and Co-Founder of SDCEA. 

How to join the discussion here:
The event will be happening 12pm EST / 11am CST / 9am PST.

Look forward to seeing you there,
Ashley D. Mocorro Powell 
Community Manager |
PT-Pacific Standard Time (UTC/GMT-8)
Pronouns: they/them/theirs

Ashley Mocorro Powell

Dec 7, 2020, 5:31:38 PM12/7/20
to Ashley Mocorro Powell
TYPO: Wednesday December 9 - Take Back Your Air: Using the Bucket Air Quality Monitor to Improve Health Outcomes

I accidentally included an older save the date announcement, please see the updated date. Time and subject are still the same!

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