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[Invitation] Public Lab 12/16 event - What's in your AIRea?

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Ashley Mocorro Powell

Dec 15, 2020, 3:41:50 PM12/15/20
to Ashley Mocorro Powell, Jeanette Lim
Hi Everyone!

Writing to share some upcoming Public Lab opportunities with you before the end of the year. In light of 2020 being the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Air Act, Public Lab is ending the year with a series of themed events on the topic for communities. Please join us if you're able to!

Up this week:
What’s in your AIRea? Public Lab virtual event on air quality monitoring Wed December 16 @ 11am ET / 10am CT / 8am PT / 4pm UTC 

If you missed last week's OpenHour on the Bucket DIY air monitoring tool- you can view the recording on Public Lab's YouTube channel. 

Feel free to pass this along to your networks.
Hope to see you there,
Ashley D. Mocorro Powell 
Community Manager |
PT-Pacific Standard Time (UTC/GMT-8)
Pronouns: they/them/theirs

Ashley Mocorro Powell

Dec 18, 2020, 10:43:38 AM12/18/20
to Ashley Mocorro Powell, Jeanette Lim
Hi Everyone!

Not able to make the last Public Lab event for 2020? Our recent Research Area Review event for the month of December has been archived on the website and to our YouTube channel.

"Research area reviews" are ways we work to grow and organize our shared information on a topic area on Public Lab. The goal is to synthesize and refresh resources on a topic (a.k.a. a research area) so that they are as current as possible and useful to the community (all of you!). On a topic’s wiki page, you’ll find information on how to get started in research, tool development, and advocacy for a topic, and some next step challenges that remain. You’ll also find many ways to share your ideas, questions, and findings with the Public Lab community.  
To view the uploaded video and check out the community resource links shared during the What's in your AIRea? event, please go  here:,+2020:+Air+quality+research+area+review  

We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Ashley D. Mocorro Powell 
Community Manager |
PT-Pacific Standard Time (UTC/GMT-8)
Pronouns: they/them/theirs

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