[Jobs] 5 FT positions with Public Lab & a paid 8 month fellowship

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Shannon Dosemagen

Feb 18, 2020, 2:14:51 PM2/18/20
to Shannon Dosemagen
Hi everyone,

We're halfway though posting these positions, so sending a quick (and final!) reminder:

Public Lab is hiring five new full-time staff positions (Community Manager, Research Coordinator, Organizational Learning Associate, Development Associate, and Community Organizer). Four are remote and one is based in New Orleans. Applications are due on 2/28 for most positions, but on 3/8 for the Development Associate. Please let me know if you have any questions (off-list) and share widely: https://publiclab.org/wiki/public-lab-jobs

We're also offering a paid 8-month fellowship for someone to work with Public Lab and the Fair Tech Collective/Drexel University on a project updating and archiving the bucket brigade air sampling tool. The Community Technology Fellow should be U.S. based but can work remotely, applications also due by 2/28.

We anticipate all of these positions starting in late-March, but have some flexibility.

Thanks! Shannon

Shannon Dosemagen
Public Lab
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