Support the Community Microscope Project

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Jeffrey Warren

Jun 13, 2018, 2:14:46 PM6/13/18
Whew! A few weeks later, we've helped hundreds of people build community microscopes at events across the country, and are just catching our breath.  

We're well past our goal and over 260 people have signed up to get a Community Microscope Kit. There are now just two weeks left -- there's still time! 


This kit grew out of one group’s need to investigate particulate air pollution in their community, and has grown into a project that will help others conduct their own environmental investigations.

All Public Lab projects are open source -- designed by and for people who want to be part of something bigger. Many people have contributed their skills, time and energy to the Community Microscope Kit in order to make this project into something that others others can join and be a part of. 

Microscopic air pollution particles photographed with a prototype kit.

Thank you, as always!
-- Jeff

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