[Jobs] 4 Full time positions with Public Lab + a paid 8 month fellowship

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Shannon Dosemagen

Jan 31, 2020, 10:34:29 AM1/31/20
Hi everyone,

Public Lab is hiring four new full-time staff positions (Community Manager, Research Coordinator, Organizational Learning Associate, and Community Organizer). Three are remote and one is based in New Orleans. Applications are due on 2/28. Please let me know if you have any questions (off-list) and please share widely: https://publiclab.org/wiki/public-lab-jobs

We're also offering a paid 8-month fellowship for someone to work with Public Lab and the Fair Tech Collective/Drexel University on a project updating and archiving the bucket brigade air sampling tool. The Community Technology Fellow should be U.S. based but can work remotely.

We anticipate all of these positions starting in late-March, but have some flexibility.

Thanks! Shannon

Shannon Dosemagen
Public Lab
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