Skype Chat and first use case

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Christian Scholz

Mar 5, 2008, 7:14:49 AM3/5/08
to Plone Social Networking

First of all: Shouldn't we move this discussion over to the mailing

> Thanks for the quick response to everyone. I would like to ask if there's interest for a quick, say 10 minute conference on Skype dealing with the first step of Plone Social.

I doubt that 10 minutes will be enough ;-)
But of course having some sort of telco might be good to get to know
each other.

> I know there's a lot of discussion on use cases, on a separate layer, I heard some comments that Plone was not made for this, and others pointing to the power of python, zope and plone .. so that it IS possible to do all this. We have Zope 2 and 3, Plone 2 and 3.. so it;s quite daunting for non-developers as we are.

Well, I have no idea what Plone actually was made for and I also think
it changes over time. What I see that many of the things we need
should not be too difficulty to do.

> What we would see as the first step, and also (being a bit egoistic here, as our primary need right now) is the ability to "share" and "invite" people. For example: I have a document, I want to discuss, and I want to invite friends A-D to join the editing process. What I would want is this:
> 1) I go to my document
> 2) I press "Share"
> 3) I can import lists from hotmail, facebook etc etc, or check the list of friends I have on Plone already
> 4) Invites to help share/edit/whatever action/ my document are sent out by sending the invitation, the url, and *automatically creating an account* based on their email and an automatically generated password (which they can change later). So..
> 5) The click on url, are logged in, see document, and add any potential further info needed. (we have some ideas, but ok that's for later).
> 6) I have a page where I can set per content type (image, wishlist, document whatever) the sharing rights: "all", "friend:.... (from list)", "noone".

Well, that this means under the hood is that you need some notion of a
profile and relationships between them. That's what I see as the basic
ground for building a social network. Everything on top are services
(which make this structure useful). I also think that this part should
not be too hard depending on how you want to do it.
Doing hotmail, Facebook etc. might be harder though as you have to
code something for different services. For Hotmail, GMail etc. you
might want to use the Plaxo tool which runs external but has all the
interfaces in place.
What I don't like about this approach though is that this is strictly
against any security policy as you give out your username and password
and I'd rather not support this.
With Facebook though you can write your own application which can
consume the friends with the same application installed.
There are more ways of finding friends and we should probably list
them on the wiki and see which one can be implemented.

Sharing rights is also a specific field I think. It shouldn't be too
hard to implement with borg.localrole though. You might also be able
to implement this specific usecase with TeamSpaces but I never used it
so I don't know (this is a product for doing collabortation and you
can assign certain permissions to certain groups or people for a
subtree (I think).)

If you want it per content type though TeamSpaces won't work and local
roles neither. This is because you need to take into account:

- who is the owner of the content type
- what are the sharing rights of that owner (probably you want to
group your contacts into friends, family, business, ... and assign
these to certain rights).
- what is the relationship between the person who wants to access it
and the owner. Here the relationship mechanism comes into play.

So for me the important part is to get the underlying structure right
because this is needed to support all the things like sharing,
inviting, importing, messaging etc.

> OK then there are a million things you can do with that friends, and how you represent them.. a page with list of friends, see who is logged in .. etc. On your "Account area" you could have your collaboration projects listed and with whom.
> OK this is my problem. We'll be on Plone 2.5 for a while. Most want to develop for Plone 3.0 but... I heard you have Python Eggs. Perhaps we can work together on this, and serving everybody ?

Well, I personally would like to go with Plone3, esp. as things like
borg.locarole are already in the core with 3.1. But I have no idea
right what the implications are if things should run on both

> Perhaps chat this week ?

I'd first like to see some brainstorming start on the wiki, like
everybody should list their ideas and user stories. Then we maybe can
do a chat about this next week (I am also quite busy this week so I'd
prefer next week).



PS: I will also post this mail to the group

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