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Mar 20, 2010, 2:58:58 PM3/20/10
to Plone: quills
I've added quills to a new plone 3.3.4 site, added the egg line to
buildout.cfg, ran buildout.

The types show up, and I add a blog. So far so good.

I create an entry by clicking on add Entry. I type some stuff in. It
acts like a normal page-maybe this is right. I publish it.

The pages get added on the top level, like regular pages, not blog
entries. No panels update, panels are all blank. and it doesn't look
very pretty.

I have changed the default workflow from default to internal/external

I have had a hard time finding any documentation; so once it works as
advertised I expect that it is pretty self explanatory and seamless.
Any ideas?


Tim Hicks

Mar 22, 2010, 8:04:59 AM3/22/10
to plone-...@googlegroups.com
On 20/03/2010 18:58, jaytho wrote:
> I've added quills to a new plone 3.3.4 site, added the egg line to
> buildout.cfg, ran buildout.
> The types show up, and I add a blog. So far so good.
> I create an entry by clicking on add Entry. I type some stuff in. It
> acts like a normal page-maybe this is right. I publish it.
> The pages get added on the top level, like regular pages, not blog
> entries. No panels update, panels are all blank. and it doesn't look
> very pretty.
> I have changed the default workflow from default to internal/external
> website.

It's been a while since I played with Quills, so this may not help, but...

After changing the workflow, you may need to edit the weblog settings
that map workflow states to the quills definition of 'published' and
'draft'. There should be a settings tab when you view the weblog object.



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