quills love

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Jan 26, 2010, 12:34:38 PM1/26/10
to Plone: quills
I was actually writing a bug-query to this list, but after a little
investigation, figured out that a modification I had made to 'main-
template' was causing the problem. Of course.

Instead, thought I'd just send some love to the list.

I use QuillsEnabled for my blog and on every site I build with blog
requirements. Nope, it's not perfect, but overall it does a pretty
fine job. Thanks everybody for continued work.

I can never quite understand why folks on the various Plone lists seem
to think that Plone isn't a good blogging platform. I mean, I can post
to my Quills blog with a selection of desktop & iPhone tools, I've got
fine-grain control over presentation/style, and the dynamically
created topic collections, tag cloud, and archiving functions are
pretty cool. I don't need much else.

Now that Quills isn't so muscly with the portlets, it plays much nicer
with standard Plone functions, too.

That said, of course there are a couple things I'd like to see work
their way into Quills in the future. Mostly, those relate to
following/crossposting from other sources (a la what Tumblr has
completely nailed), and I think it's a bit clicky if all you want to
to is post an image with a caption.

And, of course, I'd really like to see support for Collections/Topics.
I'm using Lineages to isolate staff sections of a company blog into
child sections, and need those at the top level to make the section-
xxx CSS hook work. Currently, there's no way to roll up posts into a
company blog without nesting those folders, which I can't do.

I also think Quills would benefit from a user/developer manual.

I'd be interested in a remote sprint on this in the coming year if
anybody's interested. I'm a novice python programmer, but would help
out however I could.


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