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[Java 2.5] How to use / inject JPAApi outside of controllers correctly?

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Sep 19, 2016, 1:51:57 AM9/19/16
to Play Framework
Hi all,

i understand that DI offers many possibilities. However, as far as i understand out of the box injection of Play APIs such as JPAApi is only possible in controller classes.
However several use cases come to mind where using JPAApi might be beneficial, e.g. junit tests** (e.g for testing a model repository) or a db authenticator in pac4j.

Posts on this mailling list suggest to use Play.current()... this is however deprecated.

So, what is the proper way to interact with a database (JPAApi) (or any other Play DI API) outside of controller classes?

I read the documentation and tried several types of custom bindings but without success.

Or do you generally discourage the use of JPAApi outside controller classes? If so why? What is the alternative?


** For using JPAapi in junit tests i do the following (i found it somewhere on the Internet). Unfortunately test suites are not working with this approach, thus the tests take a long time:

public abstract class AbstractTest extends WithApplication {
    protected JPAApi jpaApi;

    private Database database;

    public void setupDatabaseAndHelper() {
        Injector playInjector = app.injector(); guiceInjector =   playInjector.instanceOf(;

    protected Application provideApplication() {

        return new GuiceApplicationBuilder()

Greg Methvin

Sep 19, 2016, 3:16:41 AM9/19/16
to play-framework
What do you mean by "test suites are not working"? Do you mean that you can't share the same application for all the tests in a single suite? That's because WithApplication starts a new app for each test.

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Greg Methvin
Senior Software Engineer

Ala Schneider

Sep 20, 2016, 2:17:11 AM9/20/16
to Play Framework
It took me time to figure out, how to write working code. This post explains how to implement dependency injection in Play and shows code examples. This post explains, how to use Guice in tests.

Sep 21, 2016, 3:22:36 AM9/21/16
to Play Framework
Hi Ala thanks for the links, i will  definitely check it out.

Thanks Greg,  for the hint regarding withApplication.

Benjamin Deslandes

Jul 6, 2018, 5:33:20 PM7/6/18
to Play Framework [deprecated]
Hello Ala,

Thanks for your answer which seems to be very helful for 2.5 projects. Since 2.6 makes play.Play deprecated, how can I inject Config or MessagesApi into a custom class, en enum etc.. I'm totally stucked about this..

Will Sargent

Jul 8, 2018, 1:03:13 PM7/8/18
You would do something like:

import javax.inject.*;

public class MyComponent {
    private final MessagesApi messagesApi;

    public MyComponent(MessagesApi messagesApi) {
        this.messagesApi = messagesApi;

    // ...

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