Let me explain why I think I need a plugin:
1) I'd like to embed the excellent object database objectdb
2) my application uses comet (reverse ajax) in which messages are
pushed to the browser.
However, these need to be synchronized with the transactions - ie: if
a transaction rollsback, then no messages are pushed out, ie, the
message handler needs to rollback to. If the transaction succeeds,
then the message handler flushes message to subscribing clients.
I just looked at the PlayPlugin class, seems straight forward to
extend, seems like the hooks to implement code before and after
invocations is there too.
Question :
I'm assuming that plugins need to be registered somewhere, and/or
bound to routes.
Any suggestions on how to make my plugin known to Play, and how to
On Sep 21, 12:28 am, GrailsDeveloper <