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does switching to Akka HTTP as default HTTP server means akka-http is as
fast as netty now? Are there any benchmarks?
Best regards,
In Play 2.6, the core Play module no longer includes Guice. You will need to configure the Guice module by adding guice
to your libraryDependencies
libraryDependencies += guice
The deprecated static methods play.libs.Akka.system
and play.api.libs.concurrent.Akka.system
were removed. Please dependency inject an ActorSystem
instance for access to the actor system.
For Scala:
class MyComponent @Inject() (system: ActorSystem) {
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> Is it possible now to run a play app without a runtime dependency injection framework at all and only rely on compile-time DI?
yes> I presume the actour system can be retrieved from the app in the application builder and given as standard constructor parameter to the component?> If I am not wrong it will be good to add this in the migration method for all the people using compile-time DI.
In 2.5 you already could use BuiltInComponents trait, which actually had the actor system defined for your.
sadly we have no example project for mac wire, but it's actually extremly simple.
Just define your ApplicationComponent which mixes in Components you need/created
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Should we mention the new PlayMinimalJava plugin in the release highlights or the migration guide?When using the minimal java plugin some dependencies and twirl template imports won't be included:
Some feedback from just a few minutes with 2.6:- I noticed the Configuration API changes and like the Type Class approach but having yet another API for traversing trees and extracting values seems unnecessary. Can it use the same API as the JSON API? Also, these API changes aren't mentioned in the Migration Guide.- I think the docs should be updated to use Twirl Template injection. I noticed that https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.x/Migration26#Assets doesn't and I'm sure there are some other places that could benefit from template injection as well.
public MyController @Inject()(template: views.html.index) extends Controller {
def index = Action {
@this(messagesApi: play.api.i18n.MessagesApi)
TwirlKeys.constructorAnnotations += "@javax.inject.Inject()"
Is it possible now to run a play app without a runtime dependency injection framework at all and only rely on compile-time DI?
Sorry to ask but it was not obvious reading the documentation above.
I presume the actour system can be retrieved from the app in the application builder and given as standard constructor parameter to the component?
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Hi Denis,You're right that controllers.AssetsComponents is a little weird. The reason it's in "controllers" is because Assets and other related classes are in the root controllers package, so it made sense that we should keep all that together.That said, we want to move all the built-in Play controllers to play.controllers. This is planned for 2.6.0 but hasn't been completed yet: https://github.com/playframework/playframework/pull/6555
On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 8:23 AM, Denis Kalinin <denn...@gmail.com> wrote:
I've just upgraded my sample app to Play 2.6-M1.--It wasn't very difficult, so thanks for your work and a decent migration guide.However, I have a question. With compile-time DI, I need to add the AssetsComponents trait to the AppComponents class. This trait resides in the 'controllers' package, so it has the same name as the package for my controllers. It's not a generated file, as far as I can tell, but to reference it, I need to use `_root_.controllers.AssetsComponents` (this, by the way, is not obvious from reading the docs as they don't mention the 'root' thing). What is the reason for putting it into this package? Wouldn't it be better to use something more traditional like `play.mvc.controllers`?
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