[play2.1][scala][JSON] : writing a Reads/Writes for a single field case class

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Pascal Voitot Dev

Jan 11, 2013, 8:45:42 AM1/11/13
to play-fr...@googlegroups.com
Hello again,

A few people have encountered the case of Json macro failing for single field case class.
This is not a bug but a limitation of current Macro implementation.

But there is a workaround to write it relatively simply using Reads.map/Writes.contramap/Format.invmap function which can be really useful if you don't know them.

Everything is explained in this ticket:


Rogério Yokomizo

Jun 25, 2014, 8:05:55 PM6/25/14
to play-fr...@googlegroups.com

The original ticket was deprecated. Is there a new link to it?



Pascal Voitot Dev

Jun 26, 2014, 2:30:51 AM6/26/14
to play-fr...@googlegroups.com
I can't find it!
If you search in google group for "reads case class single field" you should find a few hints.

but this is very simple
with :
case class Foo(foo: String)

you must use :
(__ \ "foo").read[String].map(Foo(_))

(__ \ "foo").write[String].contramap((f: Foo) => f.foo)

For Format, it's invmap mixing both...


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Henry Katz

Jan 14, 2019, 1:40:34 PM1/14/19
to Play Framework [deprecated]
Expanding on this, if the single field case class were a higher kind such as

case class Foo(foo: List[String])

everything below still works just fine:

(__ \ "foo").read[List[String]].map(Foo(_))

but say you were trying to validate that field with a uniqueitems validation function such as:

  def uniqueItems[String](isUnique: Boolean)(implicit tag: TypeTag[String], r: Reads[List[String]]): Reads[List[String]] = {
    Reads.of[List[String]].filter(ValidationError(uniqueItemsJsonValidationError))({ items =>
      if (isUnique) items.size == items.distinct.size
      else true

which would change the read to

(__ \ "foo").read[List[String]](uniqueItems(true)).map(Foo(_))

giving a compile error as there is no implicit for a List[String] though we know play can deserialize a String:

No Json deserializer found for type List[String]. Try to implement an implicit Reads or Format for this type.
[error]   implicit val dinosaurReader: Reads[Dinosaur] = ((JsPath \ "friends").read[List[String]](uniqueItems(true))).map(Dinosaur)
[error]                                                                                                                                               ^

Tim Moore

Jan 14, 2019, 4:55:50 PM1/14/19
to play-fr...@googlegroups.com
The problem could be that you've defined a type variable named "String", which would shadow the built in String type and is probably not what you are intending:

def uniqueItems[String](isUnique: Boolean)(implicit tag: TypeTag[String], r: Reads[List[String]])

It's probably this "String" that the error refers to.


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Tim Moore
Sr. Manager Engineering and Product Management, Lightbend, Inc.
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