Play running in a Load Balancer is requesting wrong POST URL

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Renan Geraldo

Dec 12, 2017, 7:54:23 AM12/12/17
to Play Framework
Hi everyone,

I have a Play! application running on AWS Elastic Load Balancer. I developed my API and all links are working correctly. When I created a form to a recover password page (followed this tutorial: , the URL that is being called when I click in submit button is always wrong. I read in java play documentation, on section "Relative Routes" the problem. They say: "The routes returned by play.mvc.Call are always absolute (they lead with a /), which can lead to problems when requests to your web application are rewritten by HTTP proxies, load balancers, and API gateways." Ok, this is exactly the problem that I have, but really guys, I could not solve this with the documentation's explanation. Did anybody already face this situation? (Thanks and sorry for all the code)

The right URL should be:

POST myApplication/api/recoverPasswordAction

And the url that is being called is:

POST myApplication/myApplication/api/recoverPasswordAction

This is my class Index.Scala.html: 

@(changePassword: Form[views.formdata.ChangePasswordForm])
@import helper._

@Main("Index") {

<div class="container">

<div class="well">

@form(routes.UserPasswordRecoveryController.postCreateNewPassword(), 'class -> "form-horizontal") {




  @if(flash.containsKey("success")) {

  <div class="well">

    <div id="success-message" class="text-success">





  @if(flash.containsKey("error")) {

  <div class="well">

    <div id="error-message" class="text-danger">








public class ChangePasswordForm {

public String password;

public String confirmPassword;

public long userId;

private PBKDF2Generator pbkdf2Generator;

/** Required for form instantiation. */

public ChangePasswordForm() {


public List<ValidationError> validate() {

List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<>();

if (password == null || password.length() == 0) {

.add(new ValidationError("password", "Por favor, digite uma senha."));

}else if(password.length() < 4){

.add(new ValidationError("password", "Por favor, digite uma senha com no mínimo 4 dígitos."));

}else if(password.length() > 12){

.add(new ValidationError("password", "Por favor, digite uma senha com no máximo 12 dígitos."));

}else if(confirmPassword.length() == 0 || confirmPassword.equals("")){

.add(new ValidationError("confirmPassword", "Por favor, digite a confirmação da senha."));

}else if(!confirmPassword.equals(password)){

.add(new ValidationError("confirmPassword", "Senha incorreta."));


if(errors.size() > 0){

return errors;


try {

String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");

this.pbkdf2Generator = new PBKDF2Generator();

this.password = pbkdf2Generator.generateStrongPasswordHash(password, uuid);

this.confirmPassword = pbkdf2Generator.generateStrongPasswordHash(confirmPassword, uuid);


} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block




return null;




public class UserPasswordRecoveryController extends BaseController{

private UserPasswordRecoveryServices userPasswordRecoveryServices;

ChangePasswordForm changePassword;

public UserPasswordRecoveryController(){

this.userPasswordRecoveryServices = new UserPasswordRecoveryServices();

this.changePassword = new ChangePasswordForm();


public Result recoverPassword(){

Status methodStatus = null;

JsonNode json = this.getContentFromBodyAsJSON();

if(json == null) {

= badRequest("Expecting Json data");

} else {

String email = json.findPath("email").asText();

String cpf = json.findPath("cpf").asText();


this.userPasswordRecoveryServices.passwordRecovery(email, cpf);

=  ok(Json.toJson("OK"));

}catch(BusinessException | UserNotFoundException ex){

=  ex.getHttpErrorStatus();



return methodStatus;


public Result postCreateNewPassword() {

// Get the submitted form data from the request object, and run validation.

Form<ChangePasswordForm> formData = Form.form(ChangePasswordForm.class).bindFromRequest();

if (formData.hasErrors()) {

// Don't call formData.get() when there are errors, pass 'null' to helpers instead.

("error", "Por favor, corrija os erros acima.");

return badRequest(Index.render(formData));




this.userPasswordRecoveryServices.changePassword(this.changePassword.userId, formData.get().password, formData.get().confirmPassword);

return ok(Success.render());


}catch(BusinessException | ChangePasswordExpiredException | PasswordInvalidException ex){


return badRequest(Expired.render());




public Result getRecoverPasswordPage(String token, long userId) {


this.userPasswordRecoveryServices.checkIfPageIsStillValid(userId, token);

this.changePassword.userId = userId;

Form<ChangePasswordForm> formData = Form.form(ChangePasswordForm.class).fill(changePassword);


return ok(Index.render(formData));

}catch(BusinessException | UserNotFoundException | ChangePasswordExpiredException ex){

return badRequest(Expired.render());



public Result index() {

Logger.error("Passou no index");

return redirect(controllers.routes.UserPasswordRecoveryController.postCreateNewPassword());


My routes related to recover password:

GET /api/recoverPasswordPage/:token/:userid controllers.UserPasswordRecoveryController.getRecoverPasswordPage(token: String, userid: Long)

POST /api/recoverPassword controllers.UserPasswordRecoveryController.recoverPassword()

POST /api/recoverPasswordAction    controllers.UserPasswordRecoveryController.postCreateNewPassword()


Marcos Pereira

Dec 14, 2017, 3:10:31 PM12/14/17
Hi Renan,

I think you a looking for `play.http.context` configuration. Try to add the following to your `conf/application.conf` file:

play.http.context = "/myApplication"

Unfortunately, this is still not documented:

But a PR to fix the issue above would be very welcomed.


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Marcos Pereira
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