Multiple ajax request are slow

조회수 25회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

Jean Boudet

읽지 않음,
2015. 8. 3. 오전 7:21:2515. 8. 3.
받는사람 play-framework

I have an rest api with Play 2.3.x on a Docker container. This api speak with PostgresSQL 9.4 database (on a Docker container too) and serves JSON. Client is a isomorphic app with React (on Docker container too).

When client change route, several request is send to the api. The problem is that every request is abnormally slow. For example, I have this uri:

GET /api/taxon/185214/geojson

When I send this request directly since the browser, response is shown at the end of 4s. When this request is send with other request, it takes 12s longer.

What can cause this time ?

Of course, every action of api are async. For example, geojson action:

public static Promise<Result> showGeoJson(final Long id)
Promise<GeoJsonModel> promise = F.Promise.promise(
new Function0<GeoJsonModel>() {
public GeoJsonModel apply() {
// Get data with ebean
return geojson;

new Function<GeoJsonModel, Result>() {
public Result apply(GeoJsonModel geojson) {
// return Result

Does each request should be treated in another thread ?

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