Does Play framework 2.4.x support Spock BDD unit test?

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Jiafan Zhou

Feb 17, 2018, 6:39:29 PM2/17/18
to Play framework dev

I've recently started to work with a Play framework based project (version 2.4.x), and being a BDD developer I love the Spock Unit Test framework. It works perfectly with Java/Maven.

However, it seems that I failed to find anyway to make Spock work for Play framework, Scala/sbt.

Have looked at the below link:!searchin/spockframework/scala%7Csort:date/spockframework/NsmRcNbmU6A/hVMOO7y-tSAJ

Is it possible to use Spock framework for Play framework?

Best Regards,

James Roper

Feb 18, 2018, 6:35:52 PM2/18/18
to Jiafan Zhou, Play framework dev
According to the Spock website:

Spock provides a JUnit runner, and this is what allows it to be compatible with IDEs and build tools without explicit support for Spock in those tools. So, presumably, to run Spock tests from sbt, you'll need junit support. Simply add:

"com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.11" % "test"

To your projects library dependencies, and you'll have JUnit support in sbt. Then, I'm guessing, Spock should just work, but I haven't tried it so I got no idea. For more info on the junit support in sbt:

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James Roper
Senior Octonaut

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