SLIA's 8th Annual Pot Luck - Saturday, Ocotober 1, 6 p.m

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Sep 23, 2016, 5:18:10 AM9/23/16
Hi everyone. Sorry for the late reminder; although we've been talking about the potluck for weeks, I found that some folks didn't get the email. My apologies.

Because of its popularity and success, we've decided to continue holding our potluck dinner/fundraiser, in preparation for our 22nd Annual Music Box Steps Family Festival on Saturday, October 15. This will be our 8th Annual dinner.

Gale Jaffe has again graciously offered to open her home and patio areas for the event. The date is Saturday, October 1, starting at 6 p.m. We're asking everyone to bring some food or drink to share.

Gale will again provide chicken which will be barbecued. Please let us know if you'll be attending and the type of food/beverage you'll be bringing, whether it's an appetizer, main dish, dessert, or beverage.
Come and hear more about the latest community improvement projects we're proudly supporting. But, more importantly, come and enjoy some really good food and conversation.

Any monetary donation will be gladly accepted and will help SLIA continue its efforts to improve the Silver Lake community. Everyone is welcome. Any contribution is tax-deductible, as we are a non-profit organization.

Parking is limited so carpooling is recommended.
Kindly RSVP to Gale at for address and further info by Wednesday, September 28.

Please feel free to circulate to others.

Looking forward to enjoying some great food and good company.

Genelle Le Vin
President, Silver Lake Improvement Association &
Community Partner w/City for Maintenance & Events
at Sunset Triangle Plaza
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