Fwd: urgent - SCA - write to Harriet Harman

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Mar 16, 2010, 3:12:08 AM3/16/10
to plastic...@googlegroups.com
From  our local community person..could write your local MP as well..cheers,marilyn

Marilyn Donahue-Schiller
M: 07957684076
Land: 02082999941

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eileen Conn <e.c...@nutbrook.demon.co.uk>
Date: March 16, 2010 01:00:30 GMT
Subject: urgent - SCA - write to Harriet Harman 


You may already have had this email below urging us to write to Harriet Harman and John Denham to get the SCA Amendment Bill through Parliament. We in Southwark are in a stronger position than many as Harriet Harman who controls the Parliamentary timetable is a Southwark MP and those of us in Camberwell & Peckham she is our very own MP. So if you can send an email to her as our local MP and stress how important it is for Southwark that might be even more useful.

I attach at the end the additions I have put in my own email along those lines. I have sent a similar email to John Denham saying in place of the bit about our MP: **If we can continue this process, it will really make a big contribution to the development of more effective ways of engaging local communities across the social, faith and political spectrum. As this is vital to several community related policies of your Department, please can you do all you can to ...**

We need the SCA here in Southwark, to build on what we achieved last year. I hope you can write to Harriet, and if time also to John Denham. Harriet is the key one.

Dear friend,
We have about 48 hours left to get the week the Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill through the Commons. Last week it successfully cleared its Committee Stage. It has the support of all parties and the Government.
We need Ministers John Denham and Harriet Harman to decide to give the Bill extra Parliamentary time so that it becomes law before the General Election. Your help is vital.
It is vital that the Bill becomes law before the General Election as it will ensure the Sustainable Communities Act's 'bottom up' process is ongoing, and so continue allow communities and councils to submit proposals for government action to promote thriving communities.
VERY URGENT ACTION - please help
Please email Harriet Harman and John Denham urging them to ensure the Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill receives the time it needs to become law before the General Election. A sample email is below.
Harriet Harman's email address is har...@parliament.uk
John Denham's email address is den...@parliament.uk
Years of campaigning effort have gone into this process and this really is the eleventh hour. Please help.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes
Steve Shaw
National Co-ordinator
Local Works
Sample email:
Dear Harriet Harman / John Denham,
The Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill is vital as it will ensure that the democratic involvement seen in the Sustainable Communities Act continues. I ask that you please do all you can to ensure the Bill receives the Parliamentary time it needs in order to become law before the General Election.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
[your name and your address]
Steve Shaw
National Co-ordinator
Local Works
office: 020 7278 4443 
mobile: 07788 646 933
websites: www.localworks.org and www.unlockdemocracy.org.uk


 ------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: Eileen Conn <e.c...@nutbrook.demon.co.uk>
Date: March 16, 2010 00:43:02 GMT
To: Harriet Harman <har...@parliament.uk>
Subject: Sustainable Communities Act (Amendment) Bill

Dear Harriet

Last year I was, along with many others, involved in the new Sustainable Communities Act process in Southwark. Although it was a new process and therefore it has some development to do, it proved to be a very useful way, with great potential, to bring active residents together constructively with the Council to develop innovative ideas for improving the quality of life over a wide field.

Through that first year of using it at local level, it was clear that the Act needed some small but important improvements. The Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill, which is before the House at the moment, is vital as it will ensure that the democratic involvement and the potential for real community engagement in government processes in the Sustainable Communities Act continues. That would be a great legacy from this Parliament, and your time as Leader of the House of Commons.

As you are my constituency MP, and also in a key position in relation to Parliamentary business, please will you do all you can to ensure the Bill receives the Parliamentary time it needs in order to become law before the General Election?

I look forward to hearing that you have been able to fit it into the timetable..

Peckham, SE15 4LE
Eileen Conn

Eileen Conn

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