PIC Code

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CJ Sheer

Jul 29, 2019, 10:17:02 AM7/29/19
to PlasmaPy
Hello everyone,

Firstly I'd like to say thank you for the website and work. It's going to be very helpful for my university research.

I have a question involving PIC code. I saw that you have put together a Boris solver. I was wondering if you have any code accessible which resembles the code in the following link https://www.particleincell.com/2010/es-pic-method/
I am attempting to write a simple 2D electrostatic PIC code, not involving the Boris method. This will be eventually adapted for plasma processes at the feature scale in etching and deposition research. At this regime in cool plasmas, we generally don't consider magnetic components, hence why I am looking for a method which doesn't use the Boris method. Your code is the closest code I've seen yet to what I am aiming for. Of course I would use any code shared for inspiration and not to plagiarise. 

Many thanks,

C.J Sheer

Alex Friedman

Jul 29, 2019, 12:59:22 PM7/29/19
to CJ Sheer, PlasmaPy

It should be a simple matter to take any code that uses the Boris advance and remove all the operations associated with velocity rotations in the magnetic field.  To get started you could simple set the magnetic field to zero and test things out.  Also no need to use a Maxwell advance; electrostatics should suffice.

Good luck,
   —— Alex

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