Posted to PlanPutnam on Sunday, June 03, 2007 at 10:50 PM
The Brown Shirts from the "I learned it from Ball" camp are at it
again. This time it comes from a candidate for the County Legislature's
5th District
who has on the front page of his campaign website this little tidbit:
our culture and heritage: The Illegal Alien Invasion"...
...followed by a collage of hateful, racist images.
On his "Issues page" Immigration is the FIRST issue discussed, not
taxes or open space or assisting local businesses or health care or
property taxes or government accountability or parks and recreation.
At the bottom of
the page, once again, he takes on the issue of immigration with
scandalous headlines not even Rupert Murdoch would use:
- Illegal Aliens commit murder in Brewster
- Illegal Aliens commit assault & burglary
- Mexican gangs commit murder in Yonkers
- Illegal Alien Boot Camp: Teaching Illegal's how to invade the
United States
At least the Third Reich's propaganda minster had a little more tact
(and better grammar).
If you remember back just a few weeks ago, Republican Assemblyman Greg
Ball was going to be the lead speaker at a white supremacist rally in
Danbury whose organizing committee's web page read mysteriously and
sadly like this one. It was *your* actions that forced him to back down
which was a victory for all that is right with this community.
The misinformation contained in the copy on the website is astonishing
in its
one-sided shortsightedness and includes a link to an outside website
where, if Mexicans were Jews, would read, "Die Juden sind ünser
unglück". No matter that the Comptroller of the
State of Texas, among others of equal high position across the nation
claim that
undocumented workers contribute more to the system in taxes than they
use, and that recent immigrants - legal and illegal - have *created*
tens of thousands of new jobs, this linked website continues the same
lies, mistruths and.... shit. It's
just pure White Supremacist shit.
Along with all the hate-filled bunk on the candidate's page are links
back to community websites like and whom, I would hope, would have those links
removed before people think they endorse this claptrap and this
I have a really bad feeling about all this. I have a feeling it's going
to get
messy and ugly and possibly violent and criminal - for the forces of
hate will stop at nothing
to spread their vicious disease and I urge Republican voters in this
district to remember this come primary day. When the tally is completed
the whole world will know whether they stand for what's right - or for
what's wrong and hateful.
To think this is happening and continues to escalate(!) in Putnam
County should disgust each and every one of you.
I urge you all to fight this in every possible way you can: In the
streets, in the media (for whatever use that would be,) in your homes
and in your churches and synagogues, in your places of business. If you
remain silent, if you do nothing, if you do not absolutely wipe the
rising tide of hatred from this county, I fear "White Supremacists"
will be the bywords by which people will know Putnam County in the
"Quick! Before they pave it!"