Live Discussion Indigo, Crystal Children & Super Psychics

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Priestess Kandi Ranson

May 11, 2015, 10:03:12 AM5/11/15

Join StarzMayaMoon & StarzJames on Monday May 11, 2015 from 7-8pm EDT to talk about these people and their gifts.

Call to join the conversation with your views, opinions or questions at 347-838-9736 and Press 1. (Or mute your phone to just listen). Also chat live in Text Chat room on the Show Page during the live broadcast.

Many years ago Edgar Cayce, a world renowned healer and intuitive predicted that around 1998 to early 2010 there would be human beings born on this planet with unique and specific gifts. He called them the 5th root children. He indicated that these children and adults would have unique spiritual gifts, and would help the human race.

Many intuitive individuals and new age followers believe that these new children are here and present themselves as indigo children, crystal children, and super psychics. This week we will be discussing the phenomenon of indigo children, crystal children, and super psychics, and also identifying the traits these individuals have. All three have a tremendous capacity for uniquely interacting with the world in an intuitive way.

Remember Complimentary Mini Readings In Chat Room During Live Show only.
Be sure to Keep Reaching For The StarZ For #guidance.
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