Myth or fiction? Fact or Imagination? Join us as we continue our
provocative series on "do they exist". This week we will turn our focus
to the Paranormal. Ghosts, haunting, and strange experiences. Technology
and science seems to have broken the barrier somewhat with advanced
devices developed to capture paranormal activity. From disembodied
voices called "EVP'S" to orbs and even motion detector cameras that
appear to show shadowy figures, many feel the "proof" is obvious. There
are close to 10 well rated reality shows that are based on Paranormal
investigations and the supposed "evidence" they collect. Yet still the
question seems to remain; if we see it, if we capture it on film, if we
experience it, we ask, "Does it really exist".
Join us Monday
night June 30th 2014 as our panel delves into the mystery of the
Paranormal phenomena and shares their beliefs and experiences. We would
love to hear your personal stories, or if you are a skeptic, join us and
challenge our panel of experts on this intriguing topic!