REPLAY Natalie Sist Introduced Botanical Artist Cheralyn Darcey

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Dec 30, 2018, 5:35:15 PM12/30/18
to PlanetStarz

ORIGINALLY BROADCAST LIVE on 11-7-2018 At 8PM EST - Listen Online

Natalie Sist Introduced Cheralyn Darcey, Botanical Explorer, Author & Artist, with a passion for Ethnobotany, Gardening & especially FLOWERS and Author with over 30 years of experience studying the relationship between people and plants.

Inspired by her Pagan family upbringing and her passion for nature and magick, her publications include oracle decks and books which bring the ancient Language of Flowers through the Doctrine of Signatures alive in the modern world.

Cheralyn Darcey is an Expert on the ancient magick and folklore of our gardens, plants, flowers and herbs.
An environmental artist and flower reader.

Works with Environmental Organizations creating eco artworks and educational workshops.

Author and illustrator of the Australian Wildflower Reading Cards, Flower Reading Cards, and the Florasphere Calm and Florasphere Inspired coloring books and Flowerpaedia: 1000 Flowers and Their Meanings, Flower Petals and the Flowers of the Night Oracle Cards.

A popular presenter on ABC Radio, national festivals, libraries, museums and a regular guest on TV.

Firmly believes that herbs and flowers can heal, comfort and nourish and they hold ancient energies that people have used throughout time to create magick spells.

Each of her books contain over 60 special sacred spells from Cheralyn’s personal nature grimoire (grim-oar-ee), The Book of Herb Spells andThe Book of Flower Spells.

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