Being a Psychic is not magic, its you & me working together to identify your problems & finding solutions to help improve your life! When choosing a psychic choose one that offers no guarantees ! If you want guarantee or absolutes, pray to God.
I work with Love/ Relationships, Business, Career, Family& Personal
Concern, Dream Interpretation & Most everything in general. I will
not advise on lottery numbers, betting or sports affairs.
A real psychic has no specialty; we’re not doctors or lawyers. Psychics
are not doctors where you need a second opinion. The answer may change
to what you want to hear, but the truth will not and “psychic hopping”
to find the answer you want will only serve to shift and damage your
I’ve worked on Internet since 2011. We, you & I have come a long way
in a very short time! I’m proud & honored to have helped nearly
20,000 people world-wide.
✿ READINGS: psychic readings using gifts
in combination with tools ✿ TOOLS: Tarot (Robin Wood or Llewellyn),
Runes (Elder Futhark), Pendulum, Hippie Oracle (Morgan’s Tarot) ✿
TIMING: past, present, future, past lives ✿ GENERAL: overview readings
are welcome (10 minutes at least) ✿ LOVE: single, dating ,
compatibility, marital, cheating, divorce, past life & soul mate
connections ✿ FAMILY: paternity, sex of child, pregnancy, marriage
issues, children ✿ HEALING: Reiki Master and energy healing, psychic
diagnosis, chakra balancing, holistic health, herbalism ✿ SPIRITUAL:
spiritual adviser, spiritual path and spirituality ✿ RELIGION: Wiccan,
Witchcraft, Pagan, and earth-based spirituality, magickal advice ✿
PARANORMAL: spirits, entities, hauntings, and advice on how to deal with
them ✿ CAREER: School, promotions, achievement, career path ✿
FINANCIAL: money, investments, contracts ✿ LEGAL: Lawsuits, court
decisions, custody issues, criminal and civil ✿ WOMEN: Female focused
issues, health, survivors of abuse, feminism and feminine based
spirituality ✿ OTHER:
Regards Marcus