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Join Natalie as she introduces you to Naomi Bachar

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Jun 13, 2018, 8:18:15 PM6/13/18
to PlanetStarz
Join Natalie as she introduces you to Naomi Bachar author of "Let the Heart Speak" Wed. June 13th, 2018 From 8-9PM EDT 
Dial (347) 838-9736 & + Press 1 to be connected to the panel OR JUST MUTE TO LISTEN.
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  • Nomi Bachar is a keynote speaker, human potential expert, and mentor.

  • She is the founder and director of White Cedar Institute for Expanded Living, LLC.

  • She is the creator of the highly acclaimed method and program titled, Gates of Power®.

  • Her keynotes, presentations, and trainings help leaders shift into an optimal mindset for success.

  • Nomi specializes in training individuals and organizations to achieve high levels of performance and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.

  • Nomi is a master at assisting people in releasing limitations and constricting habits while empowering them to draw on their inner power.

  • She helps professionals become their most expressive, creative, and effective selves.

  • She shows people how to transform adversity into victory.

  • She’s been a mentor to thousands of professionals around the globe.

  • Her stories about overcoming significant life challenges and becoming successful captivate her audience.

  • She is the author of the acclaimed book, Gates of Power®: Actualize Your True Self, a practical guide to creating the optimal self.

  • She’s been globally interviewed on dozens of radio talk shows such as iTunes, CBS radio & Voice of America.

  • She was a top actress, producer and director of the Inner Landscapes stage productions in NYC.

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