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8-10-14 @StarzPsychics Feature #Psychic is StarzMourningStar

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Priestess Kandi Ranson

Aug 13, 2014, 5:00:46 PM8/13/14

8-10-14 @StarzPsychics Feature #Psychic is StarzMourningStar

 Tarot card & Pendulum reader

I would like to welcome you to StarzMourningStar! I understand that it can be overwhelming with the amount of psychics available to choose from, I would like to encourage you to come in and chat with me! I am a very loving and caring psychic, and I can provide clarity on many different subjects!!

I am a tarot card reader and intuitive.I use both tarot cards and oracle cards. My favorite is the Angel Tarot featuring Arc Angels Micheal, Sandalphon, Uriel, Gabriel and many more... The cards connect with energy threads as all things that conduct energy.I gained permission to use and give you answers from an Evangelist in 1994 at which time I was over 87% accurate. If you would like answers all you have to do is ask. You are reading this for a reason I am glad you are here. Let us make a connection and get started!!

My pendulum is a simple pendulum that was used by my native grandfather and passed down to me. It is a rose quartz pendulum used for love, friendship and healing. I find it more time efficient to use it here for yes/no questions though the pendulum can accurately give days and spell names and places. The pendulum is a direct connection to spirit guides and is very accurate. Tested my pendulum answers 9 out of 10 questions correctly, in recent testings. I also plant my pendulum during the full moon each and every month to charge it with positive energy. so if you catch me without it will be back the very next morning. Thank you for your patience in advance.

♬★♪♬ taime ♬★♪♬ {a psychic/medium/tarot card reader} currently studying herbology and shamanic medicines to progress my medium ship in a positive manner

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