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Oct 21, 2018, 5:55:25 PM10/21/18
to PlanetStarz

Natalie Sist Interviews Steve Sekhon Of The Vibe App


There is a new app on the scene and it’s in a class of its own. Introducing the Vibe app. Wed. Oct. 17th, 2015 on season 6 episode 56 of StarZ Psychics Networks Radio Natalie Sist introduced us to Steven Sekhon a Healer and one of the four creators of The Vibe App. 8-9PM EDT. 

After nearly 35 years of meditating, soul searching and personal inquiry, Steve collaborates with Jarl to write daily messages that explore what it takes to live joyfully in peace. Their approach combines an understanding of psychology, metaphysics, the western mystical tradition and Eastern practices. He draws from his earlier incarnation as an international urban planner when he worked in Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzogovina and Southern Sudan, experiences that helped him to realize that each person is fundamentally free to make choices regarding his own perception and interpretation of events.

In the current sea of mindfulness apps, meditation has become synonymous with mindfulness, but meditation alone, is not a reasonable path to a more mindful life.

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