MEERTALK on Sunday: Climate Economics with Steve Keen

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Dec 2, 2022, 12:14:03 AM12/2/22
to Planetary Restoration, healthy-planet-action-coalition, Healthy Climate Alliance, Carbon Dioxide Removal, geoengineering, NOAC

The Appallingly Bad (Neoclassical) Economics of Climate Change

Join Steve Keen to find out how economists made their own inaccurate predictions about the damage climate change causes.



SUNDAY Dec 4 2022 2:00pm EST 7:00pm GMT


Forecasts by economists of the economic damage from climate change have been notably sanguine, compared to warnings by scientists about damage to the biosphere. This is because economists made their own predictions of damages, using three spurious methods: assuming that about 90% of GDP will be unaffected by climate change, because it happens indoors; using the relationship between temperature and GDP today as a proxy for the impact of global warming over time; and using surveys that diluted extreme warnings from scientists with optimistic expectations from economists.


Nordhaus has misrepresented the scientific literature to justify using a smooth function to describe the damage to GDP from climate change. Correcting for these errors makes it feasible that the economic damages from climate change are at least an order of magnitude worse than forecast by economists, and may be so great as to threaten the survival of human civilization.


Professor Steve Keen is a Distinguished Research Fellow at University College London's Institute for Strategy, Resilience & Security, the author of The New Economics: A Manifesto (2021) Debunking Economics (2011) and Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis? (2017), and one of the few economists to anticipate the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, for which he received the Revere Award from the Real World Economics Review.

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