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plan9port for Windows with MinGW

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Jan 28, 2022, 2:13:16 PM1/28/22
to plan9port-dev
Was curious how much of plan9port might compile on Windows using the MinGW compiler.   Found three projects that look like they've attempted to port Plan 9 to Windows and provide source code (not just binaries):

Are there others?  The ansic project looks like it would be the easiest to build, but I'm still needing to go in and patch some areas.  Built lib9, libbio and libregexp from the project and got a few simple programs like ascii and cal to compile and run.  Also noticed there's a copy of gzip in a couple of these projects.  I already have a fork of BSD gzip working on Windows and other platforms. 

I'm just curious what's the state of natively porting Plan 9 libraries and programs to Windows?  What are some libraries or programs that would be useful and would be nice to have working on Windows?

Steve Simon

Jan 28, 2022, 3:54:20 PM1/28/22
to, plan9port-dev

i have my own port, mine had a different goal from those listed. i designed a windows cpu server to allow me to run some windows only applications (git and some cross compilers) whilst keeping plan9 on my desktop.

it provides tighter integration than ssh and a set of plan9 compatible plan9 tools (rc, ls, cp, mv etc). i made no effort to support dev draw.

i can supply the code to anyone who wants it, including the cpu equivalent command for plan9 - dos(1).

Sadly i nolonger use the code as i now use a mac and have become a go programmer.


On 28 Jan 2022, at 7:13 pm, LM <> wrote:


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