Acme column size grow?

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Mar 7, 2021, 8:43:42 AM3/7/21
to plan9port-dev
I use Acme on macOS. I would like to have multiple Acme editors for different "projects" but i did not manage to make this setup in a simple way so i usually have four to five columns in one Acme app window and each column usually has many windows. If u can point me to an elegant way to make use of multiple Acme editors with separate acme.dump files, i would appreciate a lot!

So in current setup i move and resize columns a lot. And it is always time consuming because i need to check every column for it's windows until i find the one i need. So i have three questions:

1) It is easy to grow the size of a window by clicking on it's corner area. Is there a reason that columns do not have the same functionality to grow it's size by clicking on the corner area?

2) Was there any attempt to add this functionality to grow columns size by clicking on the corner area? Do you think it is a simple diff? I get lost in the Acme codebase and if there were any diffs available earlier i would love to use them for my local Acme build or as a reference to make it work somehow.

3) May be i have this problem because i am missing something else? How do people solve this kind of issue? May be i do not need that many windows and columns? It is more like a question of organizing the workspace and best-practices.

Thanks in advance! Hope you all are doing well! ✊🏽

Mark van Atten

Mar 7, 2021, 9:08:17 AM3/7/21
On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 14:43, 'Shoce' via plan9port-dev
<> wrote:
> I use Acme on macOS. I would like to have multiple Acme editors for different "projects" but i did not manage to make this setup in a simple way so i usually have four to five columns in one Acme app window and each column usually has many windows. If u can point me to an elegant way to make use of multiple Acme editors with separate acme.dump files, i would appreciate a lot!

The script below is based on something that was referred to on the
9fans list at some point (third link). If you call it acme9, you can
invoke that whenever you need an additional acme.

The dump files you can give different names.





NAMESPACE = `{mktemp -d /tmp/ns.`{whoami}.:XXXX}

plumber >/dev/null >[2=1]

if(~ '' $argstring)
exec rc -l -c acme

if not
exec rc -l -c 'acme '^$argstring



Mar 26, 2021, 3:19:50 PM3/26/21
to plan9port-dev

On Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 7:38:17 PM UTC+5:30 Mark van Atten wrote:
The script below is based on something that was referred to on the
9fans list at some point (third link). If you call it acme9, you can
invoke that whenever you need an additional acme.

Thanks for this, it helps. Though i have a big hope to teach Acme to easily grow column size instead of running several editors.


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