Good morning and sorry for asking again :-) It's strange for me, because I see the key blub created, but the PKCS11Admin cannot read it anymore:
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : ****************************** 2022-07-20 06:53:40 ***
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : Calling C_FindObjectsInit
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : Input
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : hSession: 2281
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : pTemplate: 000001CE35AE78B0
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : ulCount: 1
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : *** Begin attribute template ***
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : Attribute 0
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : Attribute: 0 (CKA_CLASS)
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : pValue: 000001CE354FC030
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : ulValueLen: 4
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : *pValue: HEX(08000000)
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : *** End attribute template ***
0x00000dc0 : 0x000008a4 : Returning 19 (CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID)
In the pkcs11 library's log I've found the following entries:
2022-07-20 06:53:40 [3520] t2212: pkcs11: 000008E9 Application error: Unknown CKA_CLASS 00000008
2022-07-20 06:53:40 [3520] t2212: pkcs11: 000008E9 < rv 0x00000013 (CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVAL
For me it looks like the CKA_CLASS (CKO_PRIVATE_KEY) used by the PKCS11Admin isn't set correctly.
Kind regards