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Jul 8, 2011, 2:06:47 PM7/8/11
to Pixie
I occassionally post poems on my Pixie blog.

However, all formatting is lost when they are entered as normal text
in the default editor. Lines become widely spaced and indentation is
lost. I am forced to enter poems as html, enclosing the text in <pre></
pre> tags.

This, although painful, works -- that is, until I decide to edit the
text again, when all the carefully constructed html is shot to hell.
Is there some way to lock formatted text until it is explicitly opened
in the html editor?

It's a shame that provision for simple entry of resilient formatted
text was not built into Pixie. Surely I'm not the only poet who likes
to publish his stuff on the web!


Jul 8, 2011, 2:06:58 PM7/8/11
to Pixie
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