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RT Beam Sequence

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Musty Ditch

Mar 10, 2022, 1:46:41 PM3/10/22
to pixelmed_dicom
I am having as issue when I try to build a RT BeamSequence. I start by constructing a SequenceItem then add it to my BeamSequence.  When I debug the structure looks perfectly fine but when I try to open the file I get the following error message.

"com.pixelmed.dicom.DicomException: Unlikely fixed VL (676675 dec, 0xa5343) for non-bulk data tag (0x0008,0x0005) - probably incorrect dataset - giving up"

Do I have to set a specific character set when I put new attributes into the BeamSequence? 

I don't suppose anyone could point me to some sample code for writing sequences in PixelMed.  I suspect that I am missing something simple but can't figure it out.


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