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Pitest HTML report classnames

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Apr 26, 2023, 8:46:19 AM4/26/23
to PIT Users
Hello everyone,

For the purpose of automatically analysing Pitest results am creating a script that go over all HTML reports in the target/pit_reports folder of a project.
This script checks classnames of <p> elements and reports how often it found specific ones (for example KILLED, SURVIVED, TIMED_OUT). This method was tested and is working on my projects.

On the basic concepts page I found out that the possible Pitest outcomes are killed, lived, no coverage, non viable, timed out, memory error, and run error. However, I am unable to find out what the classnames are for most of them. Is anyone able to list the correct classnames, or point me to the documentation where I can find them?

On the CSS template of pitest-html-report I found some classnames that look like they belong to these Pitest outcomes, but I am unable to correctly match them.

Thank you for helping!
Kind regards,


Ullrich Hafner

Apr 30, 2023, 5:33:53 PM4/30/23
Is there a reason that you are using the HTML files? I think for data analyzing purposes the XML files contain a better and simpler data structure.  

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