Hello everyone,
gradle-pitest-plugin 1.15.0 has been released.
- Automatically add junit-platform-launcher dependency to
testRuntimeOnly for JUnit Platform projects - #337 - help from Björn Kautler
- Remove deprecated Project.getConvention() usage (in Gradle 8.2+) - #343
- PIT 1.15.0 by default
- Basic regression testing with Gradle up to 8.3
Compatibility notes. Starting with PIT 1.14.0 (with pitest-junit-plugin
1.2.0+) junit-platform-launcher is no longer shaded and has to be
explicitly added to avoid: "Minion exited abnormally due to
UNKNOWN_ERROR" or "NoClassDefFoundError:
As an experimental (incubating) feature, junit-platform-launcher is
automatically added to the testRuntimeOnly configuration for the JUnit
Platform projects.
The artifacts are available in The Central Repository (aka Maven
Central) and in The Gradle Plugin Portal.
More information is available on the project web page:
https://blog.solidsoft.pl/ - Solid Soft - Working code is not enough