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Fw: LTI Colloquium: Friday, 7-Sep-2018 - Kai-Wei Chang, "Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Societal Bias in Natural Language Processing Models."

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Litman, Diane J

Sep 6, 2018, 11:31:33 AM9/6/18

From: Emily Ahn <>
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 11:05 AM
To: Han, Na-Rae; Litman, Diane J; Hwa, Rebecca
Subject: Fwd: LTI Colloquium: Friday, 7-Sep-2018 - Kai-Wei Chang, "Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Societal Bias in Natural Language Processing Models."
Thank you for sharing this with folks at Pitt!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Tessa Samuelson <>
Date: Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:05 AM
Subject: LTI Colloquium: Friday, 7-Sep-2018 - Kai-Wei Chang, "Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Societal Bias in Natural Language Processing Models."
To: <>

Please join us for LTI's first colloquium of the semester. 

When: Friday9/7/18
Where: Porter Hall 100
Time: 2:30
Who: Kai-Wei Chang

Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Societal Bias in Natural
Language Processing Models

Machine learning techniques play important roles in our daily life.
Despite these methods being successful in various applications, they
run the risk of exploiting and reinforcing the societal biases (e.g.
gender bias) that are present in the underlying data. For instance, an
automatic resume filtering system may inadvertently select candidates
based on their gender and race due to implicit associations between
applicant names and job titles, causing the system to perpetuate
unfairness potentially. In this talk, I will describe a collection of
results that quantify and reduce biases in vision and language models,
including word embeddings, coreference resolution, and visual semantic
role labeling.

Kai-Wei Chang is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of California Los Angeles.  His research
interests include designing robust machine learning methods for large
and complex data and building language processing models for social
good applications. Kai-Wei has published broadly in machine learning,
natural language processing, and artificial intelligence and has been
involved in developing machine learning libraries (e.g., LIBLINEAR,
Vowpal Wabbit, and Illinois-SL) that are being used widely by the
research community. His awards include the EMNLP Best Long Paper Award (2017),  the KDD Best Paper Award (2010), the Yahoo! Key Scientific
Challenges Award (2011), and the Okawa Research Grant Award (2018).
Additional information is available at

Refreshments will be served at 4:00 in the 5th floor kitchen-area of LTI. 

Instructor: Yulia Tsvetkov
Teaching Assistant: Emily Ahn 

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