No output when using PIPlib with basic install

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Mar 4, 2011, 8:44:55 AM3/4/11
to PipLib

Here is my problem.

I downloaded the latest version of pip on your website (atr.gz
archive), then I did a basic install of PIPlib on my laptop with
kubuntu 10.10, which went perfectly fine.
When I tried to run pip on some of the example files in the "/example"
directory, I end up with strange output.

Using the ".pip" files, the only information I get on the output
terminal is the number version of PIP.
And when I try on ".ll" files, pip print on my output the data of the
input files (from after the "- the bignum column" text to the end of
the input files).

I tried to reinstall the PIPlib several times, either with root
privileges, or without in my personnal directory.
Each time, the configuration and installation went well, and I ended
up with the same outputs.

Didi I do something wrong when using the program?
I understood that I should have some outputs without any options, but
maybe I was mistaken?

Thanks for your help.


Sven Verdoolaege

Mar 4, 2011, 8:53:24 AM3/4/11
to Julien JAEGER, PipLib
On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 05:44:55AM -0800, Julien JAEGER wrote:
> I downloaded the latest version of pip on your website (atr.gz
> archive), then I did a basic install of PIPlib on my laptop with
> kubuntu 10.10, which went perfectly fine.
> When I tried to run pip on some of the example files in the "/example"
> directory, I end up with strange output.

Did you run "make check"?

> Using the ".pip" files, the only information I get on the output
> terminal is the number version of PIP.
> And when I try on ".ll" files, pip print on my output the data of the
> input files (from after the "- the bignum column" text to the end of
> the input files).

The .pip files are inputs to the "example" program.
The .dat files are inputs to "pip".
The .ll files are outputs.

Btw, piplib is no longer being maintained (at least not by me).
If you are a new user, I would advise you to use isl instead.



Mar 4, 2011, 9:05:00 AM3/4/11
to PipLib
Ok thanks to you, I understand my mistakes.
I will then check isl.

Thanks again.

Cédric Bastoul

Mar 4, 2011, 5:49:14 PM3/4/11
to, Sven Verdoolaege, Julien JAEGER, PipLib
Well, if someone finds a bug, I guess Paul or myself would take care of it.
If you are a new user, I would advise you to use isl instead.

(and please help to ask the developer to provide a 64 bits version of isl ;-) !)

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