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M.facebook Lite Download

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Rapheal Charlton

May 10, 2024, 4:26:25 AM5/10/24
to pipartliddcep

For the past few days, for some reason Facebook will now always default to m.facebook, and the few things I've tried to correct this haven't worked. I'm on PC, using Chrome, not a new computer nor has there been any major updates as far as I'm aware. Trying to delete the "m" from "m.facebook" doesn't work, either at the login screen or once logged in. I can't see an option to change it in the Facebook settings. I tried using the "log out of other devices" and I noticed that it recognises this login as "iPhone". I have an iPhone but I don't use Facebook on it, and I confirmed I'm logged off from there.

m.facebook lite download


It successfully posts to Facebook and correctly deep-links back into our application. The issue is that when this post is viewed on the Facebook iOS mobile app, instead of displaying the post's caption or description, we are seeing "" as shown in this screenshot. We'd like to remove or replace "" with either caption, description, or our site's root URL.

I"m guessing this "" URL root is coming from the deep link URL, which is " (our-app)/?deeplink=postId:(post-id)". We want it to deep link, but don't want "" to be displayed.

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