Has anyone done AVM planning on Pinnacle?

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Jun 20, 2011, 3:30:53 PM6/20/11
to pinnacle3-users
We treat AVMs on the Gamma Knife (years ago with cones).
We would like to treat the larger AVMs on our MLC linac (Elekta
Synergy BeamModulator, 4 mm leaves) but although there are some
references in Pinnacle to Angio images etc, there does not seem to be
a complete description. Has anyone done this on Pinnacle? Can
Pinnacle project the dose distribution onto the orthogonal angio
images? Can it accept angio images via dicom? Help. We use a
Radionics CRW frame which is supported for the CT images.


Jan 5, 2022, 3:54:41 PM1/5/22
to pinnacle3-users
Following up on an old thread, are there any centers planning AVM cases in Pinnacle that would be willing to share their experience? We are specifically interested in planning differences we might expect to encounter compared to our existing SRS/SRT program.

Thank you,


Jan 19, 2022, 7:40:54 AM1/19/22
to pinnacle3-users
I don't think there are many people doing this with Pinnacle. How would you project the dose distribution onto the orthogonal angio images?
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