Pine at FSOSS 2012?

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Scott Elcomb

Aug 24, 2012, 11:35:21 AM8/24/12
Hi all,

Apologies for being a bit quiet over the last couple weeks. Under a
bit of a heavy workload at the moment and just getting over a week of
being sick. I'll have further updates this weekend.

Anyway, an email came in this morning regarding an annual Free
Software and Open Source Symposium (FSOSS) 2012 we have in Toronto.
They're currently looking for speakers and they've set aside a full
day for Raspberry Pi & related "hackputers".

As these talks can be targeted for any user level, I'm wondering if it
be worthwhile to do a talk on Pine - perhaps finding some additional
volunteers in the process.

I've given plenty of talks in the past and have a fairly extensive
network in the local open source community. If there's interest, I'd
be happy to throw an outline together for discussion. Submission
deadline is Sept 10th.

For more info see the FSOSS website:

Scott Elcomb
@psema4 on Twitter / / Github & more

Atomic OS: Self Contained Microsystems

Member of the Pirate Party of Canada

Jeremy Kahn

Aug 24, 2012, 11:09:03 PM8/24/12
No worries, I figured you were busy with work.  I hope you're feeling better!

A talk on Pine would be awesome!  Especially now that we have a considerable amount of code committed, a talk at FSOSS would be awesome.  Although I can't make it up to Canada, I'm willing to do whatever I can to help you prepare.  Since you'll be giving the talk, I'll let you decide on its focus and what you would like to cover.

Probably the easiest thing is to outline the talk with Github Gist - we're all already on Github and we can easily discuss it there.  Thanks for offering to do this!

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Jeremy Kahn
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